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My series II into a buggy

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:08 pm
G'day all,

I'm trying to decided if I keep my series II (300tdi, F250 box Lt95 TC, exo cage running 40" comp tyres) as is or I pull it apart and make a pro mod buggy out of it that looks the same, but heaps smaller...

problem is it isn't really a full bodied rig I could enter into Tuff truck, nissan trials etc. and it is too big to compete in oz rock and we rock.

If I go the buggy idea I would start with a RR chassis and cut the exo off the current chassis and cut it down (narrow and lower) and then run my current panels on the front and doors on the side. I would like to run a Rover V8 and T700 (3.1 first gear) and LT230, but I think running a commo V6 wihich already mates to the T700 would be a cheaper option.

If I do this I would have a good series III firewall, rear ute tub, Truck cab for sale, as well as the F250 box and LT95 (including adaptor) and adaptor to run either a 300tdi or V8.

Any thoughts or ideas would be great. Thanks

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:42 pm
by andrew e
IMHO if you start with a chassis, it will be a handicap already. Start off with some axle stands and some tube.

OR just put more pannels on the 2a so it CAN enter tt or nissan trials. Wouldn't be hard to rig up some sort of front guards and a rear tray. Please do this.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:45 pm
by Slunnie
Either way it looks like a lot of surgery. I would have thought that your setup would be better for TT with some more body parts made to fit. Its on a full chassis isn't it? For a Promod you probably wouldn't reuse any of the parts that are in it and I'd assume is a start from scratch proposition - not that I'm involved in that type of thing. Don't you have that moonbuggy already?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:36 am
by Micka
I'd be steering well clear of the commo V6 idea. Sure they are light and fairly torquey...but the bastard things hate side angles and sh!t themselves very easily. You will become expert on replacing the engine within half a season.

As far as what sort of rig to build...that's a hard one. It realistically needs to be one or the other, not both. Even the BushRangie - as good as the thing is - and Pete's Yellow 40 struggle to compete in pure rock crawling. And there are some huge $$$ in both of them with excellent drivers.

I personally would look long and hard at what is happening in the areas you have mentioned. Tuff Truck/Nissan Trials/Woodpecker etc have been around for a long time and draw big crowds, have good sponsorship and are consistent in the format of the event. Rock crawling is evolving into rock racing and IMO what you build now for rock crawling may not be suitable for rock racing.

You already have a solid rig. Just spend time - and money of course - making that one better. Shed some kilos on it wherever possible and add strength in the diffs and driveline.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:03 pm
andrew e wrote:
OR just put more pannels on the 2a so it CAN enter tt or nissan trials. Wouldn't be hard to rig up some sort of front guards and a rear tray. Please do this.

I agree.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:42 am
currently the rig is built on a series II chassis. I will be pulling the 300tdi out in the next week to put into a disco i bought(tow rig) that has a 300tdi with a stuffed bottom end. I can do a dodgy fix on the bad 300tdi and fit it to the series II or I could look at fitting a 3.5 V8 (have adaptor here for the box) which will help the "make it lighter" idea.

One idea I have is prepare it for TT next year, compete in TT and go from there.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:51 pm
Well I have decided to build my Series II up for tuff truck, so a major revamp is in order.

The engine has just been pulled out, so I need to decide if I fix a 300tdi to put back in o go the V8 option....


also colour scheme to go with black exo cage

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:58 pm
by Slunnie
I reckon the punch of a V8 with the flexibility of a ZF. I don't think TDi's are responsive enough, grunty enough or flexible enough for comping.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:21 pm
by andrew e
just help me with mine. i Just need some really really big tyres to go with my new diffs. ;)

I have a tdi short motor if thats what you need?


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:06 am
interesting. yeah the 300tdi I have has a stuffed bottom end. how much you want for it??

No ZF for me. I'm keeping my BWT18 with 6.1:1 first gear....but I can bolt either motor to it. If I need wheel speed I could use 2nd or 3rd....

But I do agree with you slunnie, V8 and ZF would be a good combo.

other things it will get is full hydro steer and hi steer.