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How much difference in offset?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:57 am
by tritontray
Am I able to go from +25 offset to +10 offset on an IFS vehicle. Leagally can I and wear and tear wise can I. Thanks

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:19 am
by Ryano
Same width rim - Yes
1" wider rim - Yes
Any wider than that with the changed offset - No.

Wear and tear wise, there won't be much of a difference between the two. I wouldn't be concerned at all about it.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:49 am
by HotFourOk
In NSW, I think you can only increase overall wheel track by 15mm. You are doing this on each side, so it would be 30mm increase.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:57 pm
by tritontray
so technically i wouldn't be legal. do you really think they woul dpick it up at rego though? therefore I also assume it would be difficult to insure it?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:37 pm
by -Scott-
For 4wds without beam axles front and rear the maximum increase in track is 25mm. I've not seen any state regs which say otherwise.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:20 pm
by chips59
scott, what would it be with beam axle (gu patrol).

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:13 pm
by -Scott-
chips59 wrote:scott, what would it be with beam axle (gu patrol).
50mm front and rear.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:22 pm
by tritontray
so ill be out by 5mm if i go ahead. Surely I can get away with 5mm.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:28 pm
by big lux
Here mate straight out of the regs hope this helps ya.

Wheels and Tyres.
There are limits to big wheels and tyres. The largest allowed rim increase is 25mm (1") larger than the widest wheel that the manufacturer offers for the vehicle. Tyres must be appropriate to the rims and the load and speed rating must equal or better the manufacturer's specifications.
This means that the owner of a fast and heavy 4WD, such as a Range Rover or a an 80-series Land-Cruiser, is much more limited in the choice of tyres than the owner of a more mundane vehicle.

The rim diameter can be increased by 50mm (2") but the overall tyre diameter cannot be increased by more than 15mm.

The track can be increased by up to 25mm, but not on cars with front-wheel drive and McPherson struts, nor with diagonally split brake systems.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:17 pm
by tritontray
getting off the offset topic. How do guys get away with running 35's? There are a few ppl running them and I bet theres a whole heap not engineered.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:59 pm
by big lux
35s can be engerneried but as far as i know no truck can u put it straight on without being engerneried mate the ones that arnt are just getting away with it atm. im only engerinerd to run 33x 12.5s but run 35sx12.5 and when the cops see tyres are engerneired on the cert they dont look any futher

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:38 pm
by HotFourOk
big lux wrote:H
The track can be increased by up to 25mm, but not on cars with front-wheel drive and McPherson struts, nor with diagonally split brake systems.
This is what I was referring to... Is that taken from the RTA document?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:27 pm
by big lux
it is out of a book i have for engernerries cert training and and guide to moding yur car has a fair bito gud info. this is a long read bt a gud 1

Lowering or Raising Vehicles.
The limit on the amount by which a vehicle can be raised or lowered (a 4x4 is more likely to be raised than to be lowered) is that the clearance between the suspension bump-stops cannot be `altered by more than 1/3 of that specified by the manufacturer'. In addition, coil springs may not be cut.
(Exactly how would this apply to the height-adjustable Range Rover?)

Wheels and Tyres.
There are limits to big wheels and tyres. The largest allowed rim increase is 25mm (1") larger than the widest wheel that the manufacturer offers for the vehicle. Tyres must be appropriate to the rims and the load and speed rating must equal or better the manufacturer's specifications.
This means that the owner of a fast and heavy 4WD, such as a Range Rover or a an 80-series Land-Cruiser, is much more limited in the choice of tyres than the owner of a more mundane vehicle.

The rim diameter can be increased by 50mm (2") but the overall tyre diameter cannot be increased by more than 15mm.

The track can be increased by up to 25mm, but not on cars with front-wheel drive and McPherson struts, nor with diagonally split brake systems.

Brakes, Steering and Suspension.
Authorities are understandably reluctant to allow tampering with steering and brakes:
An engineer's report is required for any modifications to the braking system, however other evidence may be acceptable if this involves converting to another system optionally supplied for that vehicle and model by the manufacturer - check first.

Steering and suspension components cannot be cut, welded or heated unless they are then inspected by X-ray and a comprehensive report is included.

Body and Chassis.
An engineer's report is needed for changes to the vehicle's frame or chassis, and if the vehicle was manufactured after 1972 a report is required for any change to the passenger compartment and panels forward of the fire-wall.
The chassis can be extended, but an engineer's report must cover any extension forward of the rear-most spring hanger and any modification to major suspension components.

Engine Conversions.
The regulations allow a replacement engine to be fitted if it is "similar" to the original. This includes an engine offered as an option by the manufacturer provided that other components, especially `structure, suspension and brakes', are upgraded to match.
A different engine of similar `power, weight and emission standards to that of the original engine' may also be fitted, but an engineer's report is needed for any modifications to supports or structure. The replacement engine must be of the same age as the vehicle or newer and must meet all emission standards applicable at the vehicle's date of manufacture

If a significantly different (ie. larger and more powerful) engine is to be fitted, an engineer's report must certify that the vehicle is still safe and satisfies the regulations for construction and emissions, and must also cover any effects on 'the drive-train, stability and traction'.

Bull Bars.
Fitting a bull bar to a vehicle is considered to be a modification. Any bull bar must be constructed and fitted so that it does not reduce the safety of the vehicle, interfere with driving it, or present an undue hazard to pedestrians and other road users. Sharp edges or protrusions are not allowed, and forward and side members must either be made of round tubing or the the outer edges must be rounded to a radius of 10mm or more.
ADR 69 covers Full Frontal Impact Occupant Protection [crash-testing of vehicles]. It applies to all new passenger cars (MA category) introduced after 1 July 1995 and to all passenger cars manufactured after 1 January 1969. It does not require an air-bag but fitting one is a popular way of satisfying ADR 69. Loosely, a bull-bar must not interfere with ADR 69 compliance. A bull bar must be

one certified by the vehicle manufacturer as suitable for that vehicle; or,
one which has been demonstrated by the bull bar manufacturer to not adversely affect compliance with ADR 69 or interfere with the critical air bag timing mechanism as the case may be.

Demonstration of compliance with ADR 69 requires full scale barrier testing and to demonstrate that the critical air bag timing mechanism is not affected would also require full scale barrier testing.

Older vehicles.
Owners of series-one Land-Rovers may like to hear that it is not necessary to have outside door-handles provided that the inside ones can be reached from outside at all times. They and some Jeep owners may be interested that it is also permissible to leave removable doors off, provided that seat belts are worn - although Vic Roads strongly recommend against removing the doors.
Older vehicles had to have a windscreen wiper on at least the driver's side. Vehicles manufactured after 1 January 1963 must have a windscreen wiper on both sides. After 1 January 1973 wipers must be power operated. (A SI-SII wiper motor would have to be working, as it presumably did when manufactured.)

Vehicles manufactured after 1 September 1966 must be fitted with turn-signal lamps. Most vehicles manufactured after 1 January 1973 must be fitted with turn-signal lamps that comply with ADR 6/00. Turn-signal lamps do not have to self-cancel, but if they originally did then Vic Roads "strongly" recommend that they still do so.

A rear window demister does not have to work.

If you are intending to import a vehicle, contact the Federal Office of Road Safety: Canberra (062) 747 483. It would be a good idea to contact `Customs' too.
Left-hand drive vehicles cannot be registered, although individual approval may be given for special-purpose vehicles. Some vehicles were originally registered as left-hand-drive however, before this ruling came into force - they are ok.