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Which relay on my 91 RR is the fuel pump relay module ?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:28 pm
by RobG65
Ok silly question for my very first post, which relay is the fuel pump relay module?
Looking at my RR manual it states its behind the RH kick panel. there should be 2 one black based (main relay) the other Blue based (fuel pump relay)
In actual fact there are a total of 5 relays all up 3 in the top row 2 in the bottom and an 3rd empty socket on the right hand side of the lower row.

The top row all of the relays and bases are yellow numbered 3,4,5 left to right.
on the bottom the one furthest to the left is a green relay and base , the next is again yellow, numbered 6,7.

Any one know which relay I need to pull to depresurise the fuel system?


If I look at the hayes manual there are suppose to be 3 under the drivers seat. What do you know there are!! But they look like after market relays which were fitted for the duel fuel.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:47 pm
by RobG65
Well damn never looked behind the drivers seat underneth...found it!