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budget jimny lift qu.s

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:38 am
by y0di
i remember reading somewhere on a forum, that vitara coils may fit a jimny. it was some thing wierd like vit front coils on rear of jim, or other way around , vit rear coils on jim front. is this correct, which way around? and what coils go in the end that doesn't get the vit ones?

if this rumour is true, how much lift over standard do the vit coils offer?

further more, do the vit coils stiffen the ride significantly? thinking.... heavier vehicle coils into a lighter vehicle......

cheers, will.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:06 pm
by spamwell
i don't think they would offer any lift but i am pretty sure vitara rears are the same as jimny from and rear in regaurds to diametre

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:07 pm
by gman79au
Do it right or you'll be dissapointed start saving. $1000 will get you a good set up If you do it cheap you'll get cheap results and bitch and moan about it, than sell it telling everyone how shit your jimny was. is this what you want?

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:27 pm
by mugginsmoo
tough dog coils are $110/ coil as are ARB, and i'll bet all the rest are too

if your going for a small lift (2 inch) go for the ARB springs, any higher and you'll have to go elsewhere.

i have rancho shocks and they're so so, i'd get ARB shocks for a 2 inch lift and for higher lifts i'd look at getting some good shocks (koni and co..)

you can fit 32 inch tire with a 2 inch lift and some trimming. the secret is in the rim selection and not getting a tire that is too wide.

my tires will fit with no lift (32"), but my shocks won't. and the standard stuff is way not adequate enough to use.