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what to do to get a 3F moving.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:12 pm
by Gibonator
Recently i thought i was making a big step up power wise. Upgraded from a 22r powered bundera with 33's to a 3F middy with 31's for towing duties etc..........
Obviously, the 22r will sit on 5 grand all day and bounce the needle off the tacho with no worries in the mud hours on end.
The 3f though being a long stroke tractor thing seems not to be happy as soon as it hits 3 grand. the cruiser goes alot slower than the bundera which i would have expected to be the opposite.
What should i do to make it perform a bit more if possible.
How much revs can you give it to be safe. Have read about electronic ignition and extractors, it is on gas and has been rebuilt 200k ago. What about chucking a new different grind cam in it? not interested in a v8 conversion,
where in vic can you recomend.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:41 am
by hulsty
get used to it, a 3F will never be quick, but it will just keep pulling. If your really keen for some more power, shave head, snorkel, good exhaust and a good tune up will keep it at its best. With mine on road its happiest to shift around 2500-3000rpm, out bush I can push it too 4000rpm sometimes just above if i have too.
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:43 am
by cloughy
Pull it out and stick sumfink else in

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:11 pm
by Thommo 73
second putting some thing else in. you'll never rid yourself of the carby problems!
i put a 1uz in mine and smile every time i drive it..!

driving it
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:27 pm
by Gibonator
im not really interest in shaving head etc, maybe just decent exhaust but problem so far is that my has long range tank, the exhaust runs out side... if i put extractors they will probably have to double back then out side or over the other side.
what about elec ignition has to be someone who has tried it, me rig came with 3 sets of spare points so its sorta telling me some thing!
V8 i have the kit up me back yard cause i was going to bung it in me bundy. But i think chevs are old hat.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:51 am
by MissDrew
The only way to make the 3f go quick is sit it on a tralier behind a 4.5 cruiser

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:50 am
by hulsty
mate all you can really do if your not willing to open it up is keep it in an optimal state of tune, ie valve clearances, points and plug gaps, timing etc
P.S chev will probably give you same economy as a 3F just go WAY harder
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:35 pm
by dow50r
A big hill gets them going well, the steeper the better...there used to be a turbo system you could buy for them....bruum bruum
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:42 am
by mad_as_hec
Just my personal experience: FJ73, 38" michelins; 6.11 diff ratios; factory 4spd auto. 3F is a strangled slug from the factory.I have been running mine with no engine mods except extractors, finer filter and 2 1/4" exhaust using factory diesel (low restriction) muffler for about 12 years. That system only cost me $600 fitted back then, not sure how much now. Not much change to the torque, but has turned it into a revver. Likes to sit on 5-6000 all day in the dunes. Suits the lower diff ratios perfectly. And because of the factory 30% overdrive 4spd auto with lockup convertor it sits at 2200 rpm @100kph with the 38'ers or 2500 rpm with the 35" road tyres. My wife likes to smoke it up in front of young guys in their V8 Commodes.

Hope this helps a little with your decision.
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 am
by Ice
mad_as_hec wrote:My wife likes to smoke it up in front of young guys in their V8 Commodes. .
Pics or ban

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:23 pm
by Cruza62
I had a 3f in my 62 now got a 12ht, the 3f was based on some buick thing i think ? I had the carby rebuilt oversize, an electronic ignition, some special leads....blah blah = no difference, still crap....
Either way, even though a chev is a piece of poo engine, it is still newer technology than the 3f ! I'd steer towards a different engine if you want to keep the car, at the end of the day the 3f will always guzzle bucket loads of fuel for absolutely no return.
If you are going to change engines consider the 4.5 lt 80 engine 1fz... bullet proof as long as you buy one from '96 onwards, if it does'nt produce enough gogo then these engines can easily be turbo'd and produce snotloads of gogo.