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modding arb lux winch bar for body lift..

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:28 pm
by Slayer
anyone done the mods on an arb winch bar to acomodate a body lift?? ln106.. some pics could be handy or just a few do's and donts, whats needed??

thanks fellas :roll:

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:48 pm
by ausyota
I lifted my non winch ARB bar on my lux.
Its tricky but not that hard.
Just cut off all the mounting bits with an oxy or grinder.
Atach the mounts back onto the vehicle.
Then using an engine crane or something simillar lift the bar into position that you want it to sit when finished.
Then using some cardboard make some templates to fill in the gaps between the mounts and the bar.
Transfer the shapes onto some steel and cut em out.
Then weld the lot together and spray some satin black over it.

Seeing as its a winch bar you might want to add some reenforcing/gussets to the extended bits as there will probably be more leverage against them when lifted.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:06 pm
by professor
I have an ARB delux winch bar for sale sitting in my shed :lol:
I can sell it to you!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:08 pm
by MissDrew
You only need to do 2 vertical cuts on the bar between the bar itself and the frame mounts, move the mount down how ever far you bodylift and weld the 2 cuts back up. Then gusset them and add in some steel to fill in the 90 deg hole left at te bottom edge.