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vitara body

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:25 pm
by paulyp
my vitara is a 96 4 door and its one of the two tone ones. blue on silver. anyway the silver plastic parts have recently deteriated and are costantly coming loose. does anyone know where u can get replacment rubber seals to fit these or is it worth while just siliconing or sika flexing it up and be done with it.

also the silver plastic has taken a beating in its time so i figure ill just take it off and respray it. (lots of paint scrathed and pealed) has anyone had the pleasure of looking around and finding the right colour to match it up.

any help would be appreciated


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:23 pm
by zukerider
always worth while having a chat with a person from clark rubber they might be able to help you with something simular( that is if theres one near you. Although i believe sikaflex works wounders !