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4Runner IFS Steering
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:52 pm
by pegasus
Hi All
I have had my new (12/85) 4runner for 3 weeks now, and have noticed that the top of the passenger steering idler arm rubs against the chassis when turning. The fornt is lifted about 2inch via turing ther torsion bars I believe. (Like this when I get it)
What can be done to fix this?
The car can be seen at:
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:20 pm
by spazbot
Do a solid axle swap

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:27 pm
by pegasus
That was actually meantioned to me bye the guy who did my road worthy!! Haven't done much research into it, so have no idea of what needs replacing!
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 3:43 pm
by hophoar
sounds like youv'e got a bent idler arm, no big deal to change it and the plastic bushes wear like $h!t
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 5:15 pm
by bj on roids
hey dude, i have seen your rig at south bank (formerly vulture st) train station!! in the carpark over towards the tafe, this is going back to like late last year!! (spotties on the roof) red flames etc?!?!?!
i wondered if you ever wheeled!?!?!?!
come out for a play some day
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 5:33 pm
by pegasus
Must have been the previous owner, I have had it 3 weeks now, had a heap of oil leaks to fix on it, had not been real well looked after, but is up to scratch now. Had its off road debut last Sunday, it went really well, was very happy with it.
Always willing to play
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 6:26 pm
by POS
Bent idler arm, you can replace it but i think it will keep bending as i had a surf with the same problem, i would replace it and 1 month later it was bent again, it also had the torsion bars wound up, once they were wound back down it didn't seem to be as much of a problem.
V8zuki can help you out with the IFS to LIVE axle conversion as he was the first in Australia to do that conversion!!!!
Be Warned it is very expensive!!!!!!! Unless you can do most of the work yourself.
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:18 pm
when my pos was ifs i bent 4 of those
i dunno why it was happining but it was
Do the solid swap it's worth the money

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:35 pm
Stew if you go solid axle with leaf springs i think as long as you are a compitant welder and can think for yourself you will get out of it for less than $1000.
You need a complete diff and set of springs a tailshaft and some steering components and Shock mounts. And if you go the easy way like GRUNTLESS did you can use a piece of solid axle chassie at the front to give dropped hangers.
It just all depends on how hard you want to drive this thing. If you are planning on driving hard then the IFS just wont cop it and in no time you will have spent your $1000 on just repairs for the IFS.
They bend Idler arms,Lower control arms and Blow diff centres and CVs all the time if driven hard.
The one V8zuki did was a coil conversion but i guess he has also done the leaf conversions. Just my opinion but the leaf is a way better conversion.
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:46 pm
I did it the cheap and easy way i thought any way mine ended up costing around $4000 but that was no skimping on second hand parts every thing that could be replaced was
All mounts getting redone by the way ruff properly no bodgieness (maybe just some booty fab

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:56 pm
I dont think your front mount is realy that bad.I had thought of doing this once as well but i just thought yours needed a little more bracing.But as you have said it was not finished when at TTC.
I also dont think at $1000 you would be skimping as long as you can do the fab work yourself.
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 9:03 pm
i know i just went a bit spaz spending money.
i didnt have to buy the diff either freeby
but i spose if you can get every thing cheap enough it can be done for arond a grand

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 3:08 pm
by bj on roids
the IFS diffs are very weak, so are the CVs, control arms and other components
and the costs mount up