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larger injectors on 4ye toyota motor

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:28 pm
by cplux
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any idea on what size injectors would be best suited to running a 4ye motor supercharged to 8-12psi. i believe the factory injectors are 190cc was thinking around 250cc-280cc

my hilux is currently a supercharged 4y running a homebrew throttle body injection setup through the factory carb manifold (falcon style with 2 injectors @440cc ea) and I am looking to be able to better tune it (mainly for economy) using 4ye style manifolds and 4 injectors.
Atm the falcon ones seem to big at idle and just off it (before boost) and just enough on full boost.

i am using a wolf 3d ems

any help appreciated