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Cibie driving / spotlights -- refurbish ?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:31 am
by Deleted User
Ive got an old set of Cibies on my 4by and recently I noticed the reflector part of them is starting to wear. They are not throwing the light as well as they should.
My question/s :
1/ Can you buy new reflectors for them ?
2 / Can you upgrade them with LED`s

I have tried Googleing, but didnt find much.

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:44 am
by philhod
I haven't tried it myself but what about polishing the reflecter if you can get to it. There is a metal polish called Autosol that works well. I have heard even toothpaste will do the trick.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:11 pm
by Wish I had coils
philhod wrote:I haven't tried it myself but what about polishing the reflecter if you can get to it. There is a metal polish called Autosol that works well. I have heard even toothpaste will do the trick.
no no no. i tried to do that to my headlights and it just poished off the reflector bit. last time I'll try to be that smart it did not work

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:44 pm
by RED60
The mirrored surface cannot be polished. Someone may be able to resilver it (a mob who deals with household mirrors possibly) but you may find it expensive, so it would be cheaper buy new lights..... unfortunately I have some spotties that are doing the same as yours... :bad-words:

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:44 pm
by bushy555
Apparently UK dudes can buy cibie inserts (reflector and glass) fairly easier at any local equivalent Repco/Supersheap shop. Repco may be able to get them here. Am unsure but.

Had Cibie hi/lo headlights, chrome reflective paint is all gone on both. Jumped on to ebay and bought some non-legal non-ADR approved cheap hi/lo replacements. Also had cibie 'superslims' spotlights, that used the rare-ish H2 bulb. Threw them away, they be utter useless. Two dolphin torches gaffer taped on to the bonnet would have been better.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:14 pm
by RN
Just chuck in some Al foil......May not be able to focus too good, me thinks. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:48 pm
by amtravic1
Depending on the model Cibie light you can buy new inserts for them, I bought one for a Super Oscar light recently. I suggest while you are about t you pick up an HID kit for them as well. The inserts are not cheap as they are the most expensive part of the light so you may prefer to buy new lights. Any decent 4wd part supplier who stocks Cibie lights should be able to order them for you. I got mine from Outback 4wd in Melbourne as it is close to home.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:12 pm
by chips59
how much was the insert?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:18 am
by amtravic1
chips59 wrote:how much was the insert?
Cant remember exactly as I bought some other things at the same time but around $115.00 seems to ring a bell.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:39 am
by Deleted User
Thanks for the reply`s

quote="amtravic1"]Depending on the model Cibie light you can buy new inserts for them, I bought one for a Super Oscar light recently. I suggest while you are about t you pick up an HID kit for them as well. The inserts are not cheap as they are the most expensive part of the light so you may prefer to buy new lights. Any decent 4wd part supplier who stocks Cibie lights should be able to order them for you. I got mine from Outback 4wd in Melbourne as it is close to home.

It sounds like it may be cheaper and easier just to buy a new set of spoties / driving lights ?
But what are the best brands -- there are a heap on the market nowadays.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:59 am
It sounds like it may be cheaper and easier just to buy a new set of spoties / driving lights ?
But what are the best brands -- there are a heap on the market nowadays.
what sort of cibies you got?? If your going to get ride of em' let me know, more spares the better, call me what you will but I would prefer them over light force. You snap them off, weld em back up bob your untie. LED technology doesn’t exist for driving lights yet and with HID on the market I don't think they will come close - ever!!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:30 pm
by bushy555
> I suggest while you are about t you pick up an HID kit for them as well.

If they are 'super slims' that use the H2 bulb, forget it. HID H2 dont exist.
Though saying that, most Cibie's use H1 and H4 bulbs.

> there are a heap on the market nowadays.
How many dollars you wanna throw should be the real question.
I setup and sell brand new 55w HID Lightforce XGT's for $975.00
Yes, they are one of the best light setups currently available, but you need to ask yourself can you really justify that sort of dollars?

> LED technology doesn’t exist for driving lights yet
I've got LED's in mine connected to me parking lights :D