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how to tell the difrence between transfer cases??

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:12 am
by Danzo
I bought a transfer case from a wreckers awhile ago, works fine but has a very minor leak from the back, when I had it in my car I could have sworn it was geared slightly lower then my original T/C, Not 100% sure though.
Wanting to get rid of it,
but just want to check if it is out of a ute or an earlier model (1.3 nt or even 84 N/T or something),
It had the hand brake on the back of it when I bought it but I didnt need it and it was bent anyways so I took it off. it has the 4WD switch

oh yeah, forgot to mention, it bolted straight up to my 88 W/T uni's so it might not be a 1LTR T/C, unless 88 used the 1LTR uni's??? Duno

1: Is there a simple way of checking the ratio's, putting it in gear and counting the revolutions? anyone know what the count should be for certin models.

Chears in advance

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:07 am
Yeah the 1Ltr and 1.3 certain models shared the same Uni's 25mm caps I believe they are.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:15 am
What month 88 model is it because I think 88.5 they may have gone to bigger flanges.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:26 pm
by Highway-Star
Dont't know if this will help you? ... mation.pdf

Its from a link in the Sierra Bible.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:16 pm
by Danzo
GRPABT1 wrote:What month 88 model is it because I think 88.5 they may have gone to bigger flanges.
My build date is DEC 87,

I think the bible link might help, When I get a chance to drag it out from the shed!
Thanks again
More info would be apreciated aswell.