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Torsion Bars/Re-indexing

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:24 pm
by Westoztroopa
So does anyone have an opinion on torsion bars? Mine have definately sagged over the years as they rub a lot more than they used to.
Ive heard people say that buying newer heavy duty t/bars is a waste of money as they are bloody expensive and there is also the option of
re-indexing the spline on the chassis mount. Any ideas?


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:59 pm
by Yarno
I did the re-indexing on my Rodeo as it had saged and had not enough in the bolt to lift it again. It is a fairly easy thing to do....

If I remember I think all I did was jack the front up, wind out the torsion bolts, take the two bolts out at the front of the bar, and I think but cannot remember exactly how from here how to index it, but I do remember it wasn't hard, so I guess I don't need to remember it....

Anyway this worked fine for the next two years I owned it, next to no sagging.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 11:44 am
by alanc
I am not sure about Rod/Jack but some other makes have a different number of spline teeth on each end of the bar.
This will allow adjustments of less than one tooth overall.