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fj45 home made snorkel

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:57 pm
by fj45304
hey just wondering if anyone had made there own snorkel on a fj45 any pics or help appreciated

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:16 am
My neighbour made one for his 45 and i did one for my 60. Used 76 mm steel pipe for mine and some rubber radiator hoses from a truck shop for the bends. I'll post some pics tonight or tomorrow.
On the 45 he made a plate that came out from the windscreen hinge bolts to support the upright plus another mount towards the top of the windscreen frame.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:48 pm
by Ricko
If you want a cheaper snorkle but don't want it to look dodgy, get an exhaust shop to make one from 3inch pipe, using mandrel bent sections for bends and truck snorkle heads. I got twin snorks made and cost all up less than $500 I think (was few years ago now) and looks tops.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:18 pm
by Stoive
its on my BJ, but its all the same. my mate made this one from 3" stainless steel bends at $28 each, $65 airtec head, $20 silicone joins, and we already had the small piece of straight. its tig welded, but could be easily migged.

works a treat.... (obviously, the car is stilll running/bubbling)



those pics are from the pigpen (40 pen) at cruiser park

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:08 pm
Bwahaha....Classic photos Stoive :armsup:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:02 am
by shorty_f0rty
hahah silly place to park!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:20 am
by RAY185
ahh crap, you've contaminated the headlight fluid. Gonna need a halogen flush now.

ps: that was a nice car. :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:17 pm
by bj on roids
what happened to it?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:17 pm
by Stoive
no halogen flush here, sealed beams all the way mate, and theyre still going strong, and yes we did get out of that no worries:

there's more vids on there from same user.

it still is a nice car!! ...mechanically anyway, shes a bit rough but i wouldn't have it any other way, definately not afraid of scratchin it and that makes for stress free 4 wheeling.

sorry to hijack your thread mate, i did try to contribute something useful tho

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:02 pm
by RAY185
Stoive wrote:it still is a nice car!!
haha, yeah I know mate, just stirrin ya. I heard the rear diff went a week after that mudhole run. Fixed it yet?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:44 pm
by Stoive
yer dude, all the seals were pretty average on the back, and thi pinion bearing shit it on the way home, half expected it, so just trailered it. yes i fixed it, just replaced it with an ait locker, the front (detroit didnt get any water in it at all, just a bit in the wheelbearings, that all got overhauled.

gearbox was pretty sweet, a little water in the oil, but im pretty happy with the breathers i made up for it

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:13 am
by bj on roids
unreal! go the BJ!