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What to look out for with 94' manual v8 disco's.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:16 pm
by macey
Hi guys,
Im new to the landy scene,and looking at a 94-96 model disco,V8 in manual. Im really after it as a tow vechile and to do the odd camping trip, so be light 4wding.
What problems do i look out for? and any advice would be helpfull. I have budget of up to 5grand. I have found alot of them, as price seems to be VERY cheap for discos.
Thanks in advance guys.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:27 pm
by bigbad
Check where the heads meet the block for signs of leakage, they only have to get hot once for the headgaskets to start leaking.
Will probably find more things as I strip this one I bought for parts, almost mint, but had been cooked. This one had bad signs of corrosion in the cooling system, a split in the bottom hose and a faulty vacuum advance, all contributed to it overheating. At 135,000km, it has signs of at least the inlet being removed before, so may have had head gaskets done once already.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:46 pm
by macey
Thanks mate. Are the v8s more reliable than the diesels for that year,94? are parts easy to get for them if things do go on the blink. Cheers mate.