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Macnamara air locking diffs
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:05 pm
by ORSM45
does anyone know much about these. i looked on his site but his links were dodgy and sent me to the vacuum operated ones when i clicked on the air operated link.
i remember reading, when unlocked it has limited slip.
would anyone here know roughly what im looking at paying for 1? not fitment required just want the centre.
it would be ideal for the rear with the v8 and no weight over the tray, that way i can wreck 2 tyres at once.
thanks in advance
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:20 pm
by Slunnie
Not sure about other vehicles, but the Disco II air locker is $1350, about $100 dearer than the ARB. $660 will also get stronger axles and hardened drive flanges.
Apparently these things are bullet proof. I would be interested to know the differences between them and the ARB also.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:34 pm
by ORSM45
ah cool. thats not too bad.
i hope they are bullet proof. when i get some spare cash ill get one.
does yours have LSD when the locker is switched off?
so was that price just for the centre?
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:44 pm
by Slunnie
I'm looking to get that one, not purchased though. The JacMac is not an LSD though. That price was for the diff center and all the other crap like hoses, solenoids etc. No compressor though.
Detroit are the only ones I know of that do the locker/LSD, and its called the Detroit Electrac, which is a combination of a True-Trac and an electrically operated manual locker. Last time I looked it was only available for the Dana 44, though that was a while ago.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:51 pm
by ORSM45
i only want a centre to whack in coz i have the rest.
and thanks for that, i was thinking it was macnamara with the LSD. but now i remember.
cool, so that pretty much answered all my Q's
thanks again.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:44 am
by ozrunner
Like you I needed an LSD with the V8 as an open centre was useless but I also wanted a full locker.
As Slunnie says the Detroits Electrac is the answer. I had Truetracs front and rear and they are an exceptional LSD.
But I had to have an Electrac

so I fitted a Dana44 in my 4Runner and then fitted an Electrac. Awesome its the best of both worlds. I then complimented it with an ARB up front.
Re: Macnamara air locking diffs
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:24 am
by droopypete
383FJ45 wrote:
his links were dodgy and sent me to the vacuum operated ones when i clicked on the air operated link.
Vacuum is still air
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 10:57 am
by ORSM45
haha, yeah but im all about boost.
nah really, would ya know if detroit have any plans for the cruiser market?
wouldnt mind gettin a locker with lsd. as you said best of both worlds.
how much was the electrac?
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:48 pm
by 308LUX
do they make one for a hilux diff ??

...the electrac that is
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:04 pm
by Nev62
308LUX wrote:do they make one for a hilux diff ??

...the electrac that is
Looked into this. At present only for the dana. There web site really just says "watch this space" which is a bit of a bummer.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 11:27 pm
by ozrunner
The Electrac was $A1850.
I was constantly checking with Tractec asking when and if they were going to make it for the Toyota diffs but I was basically advised it may never happen. Consequently, I decided to fit a Dana so I could have one.
Reason is the actuator etc becomes part of the removeable rear cover ie salisbury type diffs whereas the Toyota is a removeable carrier.
They may do a redesign some day for a carrier diff but I would guess they have a huge market already in the Dana's, ie jeep etc so don't hold you breath.
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 3:53 pm
by 308LUX
ozrunner wrote:The Electrac was $A1850.
I was constantly checking with Tractec asking when and if they were going to make it for the Toyota diffs but I was basically advised it may never happen. Consequently, I decided to fit a Dana so I could have one.
Reason is the actuator etc becomes part of the removeable rear cover ie salisbury type diffs whereas the Toyota is a removeable carrier.
They may do a redesign some day for a carrier diff but I would guess they have a huge market already in the Dana's, ie jeep etc so don't hold you breath.
what sort of $$ did you pay for the whole setup ??...hhmm ideas, ideas
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 6:21 pm
by ORSM45
well if you put it that way, might not be a good idea holding my breath that long
looks like its either macnamara or ARB then.
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:08 am
by ozrunner
308LUX wrote:ozrunner wrote:what sort of $$ did you pay for the whole setup ??...hhmm ideas, ideas
Hmmm in my case an expensive sucker

as it had to fit as per factory settings etc and be super reliable. My motto also is if you are going to do something do it properly or don't do it, which can hurt the wallet
I had to buy a complete Dana44 diff and housing from a late Wrangler and another Toyota housing to cut up. Also had to buy some new Dana gears to match the Toy front gears, have my Toy axle splines and a spare cut to Dana spline so I could retain the Toy wheel stud pattern etc. After much work, the tubes fitted up and welded on a jig, center fitted etc all up around $6k.
Toyota Dana44
Live axle setups would be much easier and cheaper as a normal complete Dana44 could probably be used in most cases, providing the track was close.
At the moment I am now also fabricating my own rear disc set up for it as I had a close shave with a large roo on my last Nullabor crossing

. Rear drums suck. [/url]