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land rover friendly mechanics

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:40 pm
by ranover
hi all

as i now have my new land rover disco i want to find a mechanic on the gold coast/tweed area that is landie friendly. i know ricks is good but thought i might see if there are any more out there, its been a while since i had a landie.



Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:36 pm
by defmec
wheres the pics of the new rig mate

Re: land rover friendly mechanics

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:01 pm
by Aquarangie
ranover wrote:hi all

as i now have my new land rover disco i want to find a mechanic on the gold coast/tweed area that is landie friendly. i know ricks is good but thought i might see if there are any more out there, its been a while since i had a landie.


Why bother? Rick I cannot say enough about the bloke. Helpful, fair and always freindly as well, plsu he doesn't charge too much compared to otjer Lr specalists.

Personally I don't trust non-LR mechanics, had too many bad experiences with them. IMO a good mechanic shouls be able to fix and repair any vehicle regardles of brand, but LR's as we know have certtain 'quirks' that need to be looked into if getting any work done.


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:20 pm
by ranover
defmec wrote:wheres the pics of the new rig mate
pics coming soon mate gotta remember how to do it ha