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Air Locker Repair/Parts Avaliabilty?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:44 am
by jtraf
How hard and expensive is it to get parts for an ARB AIR LOCKER.

Have been dealing with a bloke selling a pair of them and have been advised that the front locker is missing the splines on the front left side. I have never seen a locker up close and was wondering if this was a part of the locker or if this was a massive failure and needed to have the whole things replaced.

Is it worth getting it and repairing it or should I simply give it a miss. The price is very competative so repairs if reasonable are not out of the question.

Have other done this type of thing and had their locker repaired or had to replace the whole thing??



Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:45 pm
by 80UTE
If its the axle splines in the side gear that are stipped (sounds strange) it can be replaced a new side gear from ARB would range from $200-$300 but keep in mind air locker's have been made by ARB for atleast 16 years now and have had many updates in this time so if yours are real old the parts may be hard to get.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:53 pm
by MQ080
I bought a rear ARB for the MQ, not complete for $700 and thought it would be a simple case of getting the parts and i would be infornt... $200 later, i should of just bought one new and talked about the price for about 10mins :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 10:03 am
by bazzle
Ring ARB head office and ASK 03 9761 6622

Tell them the diff model no/serial no and the side gear you need.
If you pull one to bits you will need tab washers and maybe a seal.
Not normall for splines to go in gear though?
What vehicle are they for?
