Drag link hits radius arms when flexing (80 Series)
Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:05 pm
Hey all
Well im running a 5" lift with castor plates. All is sweet except the fact that the drag link rubs on the radius arm to the point where it starts creeking and bending the arm. I know this is by no means good which is why i have only had it properly off-road once. when $$$ allow im going to purchase a set of Drop arms either by superior engineering or snake racing.
My qn is how have people overcome this issue while running the standard arms? Is it possible to give the radius arms a touch up with the grinder or will this reduce strength etc. I know it sounds dodgy but last thing i want is to break a tie rod end or bend the drag link. Or realistically am i better off just taking it easy until i can afford the Drop arms?
Any thoughts or oppinions would be great!
Cheers Troy
Well im running a 5" lift with castor plates. All is sweet except the fact that the drag link rubs on the radius arm to the point where it starts creeking and bending the arm. I know this is by no means good which is why i have only had it properly off-road once. when $$$ allow im going to purchase a set of Drop arms either by superior engineering or snake racing.
My qn is how have people overcome this issue while running the standard arms? Is it possible to give the radius arms a touch up with the grinder or will this reduce strength etc. I know it sounds dodgy but last thing i want is to break a tie rod end or bend the drag link. Or realistically am i better off just taking it easy until i can afford the Drop arms?
Any thoughts or oppinions would be great!
Cheers Troy