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question about auto, arb's and transfer case

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:38 pm
by RRV839
RE: 94 RRC

Im getting my zf rebuilt at the end of the week as it will be out tommorw because the drive sprag clutch has inverted itself again. There is somethign wrong with the transfer, not sure whats broken yet, should i strip it and rebuild it and fit the part time conversion kit or just get a 2nd hand unit and take my chances.

And a question about arb's, i want front and rear lockers, but there is only one available at them moment, should i put it in the front or the back, ive broken 3 rears an my first front i just broke, the front is broken but i figure its best to put my rear centre in the front and put the locker in the rear yes?

i am trying to get this thing back on the road for the labour day weekend at the latest, going to LCMP again.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:48 pm
by Bush65
The rear sees more load than the front. That where I would fit it.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:06 pm
by cooter
my vote would be rear