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3.5efi revs to low

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:17 pm
My rangies idling way to low :?: even stalls at times just sitting.....
What revs should it be at on idle ?
How can i adjust the revs ? ? ? its about know i wish i had carbs :roll:

Re: 3.5efi revs to low

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:42 pm
by mickrangie
AnthonyP wrote:My rangies idling way to low :?: even stalls at times just sitting.....
What revs should it be at on idle ?
How can i adjust the revs ? ? ? its about know i wish i had carbs :roll:

I have had the same problem with mine in the past it could be one of these or a mixture...

When my auto needs an oil change my car stalls at idle or between "D" and "R"


Yr stepper motor could be playing up (if you have one)


There could be shite stuck in the butterfly for the inlet manafold....


Yr Flap Air flow meter could be rooted....


The idle screw need some loving.....

so IMHO the fact that yr auto is farked I wouldn't be too concerned ATM unless it was doing it before all that happen (signs that the auto oil was old....)

These are just a few issues I have faced in the past with my Rangie or others Rangie (or other cars) but i could be totaly wrong....



Re: 3.5efi revs to low

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:49 am
by RaginRover
mickrangie wrote:
There could be shite stuck in the butterfly for the inlet manafold....


The idle screw need some loving.....


Just to elaborate on these points just in case you wanted to look into it Anthony,

1. Take the hose between the air flow meter and the plenium chamber
off and then you can inspect butterfly, push the throttle cable down and spray carbie cleaner on a rag or your finger and wipe the back of the butterfly clean (be careful) try to wipe all the carbon crap that comes of out but don't worry too much

2. The idle screw may need to be cleaned, on your 3.5 efi it should be on the top of the plenium and it is usually secured with two screws, remove it and un clip the wires. Spray it with carbie cleaner and let it soak it then tip it upside down and let all the carbon crap come out of it. Repeat that till the spring is all silver and clean, spray it with lanox lubricant and replace it.

3. Check the Vac advance line the comes up into the chamber and make sure it is not all clogged up, use a pin to clean it out and again use carbie cleaner on it with the little nozzle to try to dissolve it.

4. Flame trap could be completely blocked (more manifests itself in an oil leak somewhere in the top of the engine - valley cover etc) but worth looking at. Undo the hose clamp on the top of it and pull the hose off, unscrew the trap out of the rocker cover. Hold it bottom up and fill it up with carbie cleaner, cover both ends and swirl it around unit the cleaner comes out the top so things can pass through again. Replace it when done and put all the hoses back on

Go and buy carbie cleaner, don't use degreaser, the carbie cleaner is much stronger and better at penetrating the carbon build ups, wear safety goggles and wash your hands when you are done or during as it can burn you.

They are the main things to look at so do those and it might fix it up a bit,
then again as mick said it could be a few other things as well

Good luck


Re: 3.5efi revs to low

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:17 am
Thanks fellas will run through those steps and see how she goes :)

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:01 am
Just thought I would let you know that it seems the idler screw needed abit of loving :lol:
ment to post this b4 but couldnt find the thread.

Thanks for the info again people :)