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GQ draglink
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:41 pm
by mygqzy
Is there any alternatives to buying a Genuine one. Quoted $618.00.
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:39 pm
by bazzle
Mal Leslie
SG Leslie and Sons (Mal Leslie)
03 9459 2859
19 Mologa rd West Heidelberg, 3081, Vic Australia
(old pricelist)
GQ /GU (Y60/61) (retail prices, trade on request)
Lower rear trailing arms Rectangular section, (no bushes) $165 pr
Lower rear trailing arm with bushes $320 pr
Upper rear trailing arms, adjustable inc new bushes $430 pr
Replacement bushes, (genuine rubber) $155 kit
Rear Panhard Rod Super Duty inc new bushes $210
(Any length, standard, plus 17mm for 4-6” lift etc)
Front Panhard Rod super duty inc new bushes (c/o only) $155
Replacement Panhard bushes $55 kit
Front Tie Rod Super Duty 320 grade (threaded tube only) $125
Front Tie Rod Super Duty (complete assy gen tie rod ends) GQ$280
GU $375
Replacement Tie Rod ends GQ $75
Genuine only GU $125
Front Relay Rod, Adjustable, Heavy Duty, complete assy GQ $320
inc damper brkts and gen rod ends GU $435
how strong
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:28 am
by mav
how strong is the super duty tie rod is it one of the ones i have seen someone jack up the front of a vehicle with???