Landcruiser ACSD Removal
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:33 pm
I thought I would share with the group my experience with the ACSD (Assisted Cold Start Device) on my 80s cruiser 1HDT.
The cold starting leaver on the fuel pump had a very loud clicking/rattle when the engine was cold. Pulling my hand on the leaver or moving it manually stopped the noise. After 5 mins of engine operation it would quiet down by itself.
After a few calls and I got onto Diesel Australia at Slacks Creek who immediately confirmed the problem and recommended removal of the device and replace it with a blanking plate. Failure to fix the problem can result in broken pieces being ingested by the fuel pump. So for about $20 I had all the parts posted.

I didn’t get any pics of the job in progress but it was all done within about 40 mins. I should note that you need a good quality 5mm allen key for the job. I twisted 2 keys before I borrowed a quality one from a mate.
I removed the idle up actuator (3 bolts) and then removed the ACSD (2 bolts). I used some pipe on the allen key to get some leverage. At this point you’ll loose a little diesel from the opening to the pump. Bolt the blanking plate and o-ring onto the pump. Replace the idle up actuator. You also need to reroute the water hoses using the new hose supplied. A few pumps on the fuel primer and started up.
No rattles, thats Tops!!!
Finished job:

The ACSD removed:

The cold starting leaver on the fuel pump had a very loud clicking/rattle when the engine was cold. Pulling my hand on the leaver or moving it manually stopped the noise. After 5 mins of engine operation it would quiet down by itself.
After a few calls and I got onto Diesel Australia at Slacks Creek who immediately confirmed the problem and recommended removal of the device and replace it with a blanking plate. Failure to fix the problem can result in broken pieces being ingested by the fuel pump. So for about $20 I had all the parts posted.

I didn’t get any pics of the job in progress but it was all done within about 40 mins. I should note that you need a good quality 5mm allen key for the job. I twisted 2 keys before I borrowed a quality one from a mate.
I removed the idle up actuator (3 bolts) and then removed the ACSD (2 bolts). I used some pipe on the allen key to get some leverage. At this point you’ll loose a little diesel from the opening to the pump. Bolt the blanking plate and o-ring onto the pump. Replace the idle up actuator. You also need to reroute the water hoses using the new hose supplied. A few pumps on the fuel primer and started up.
No rattles, thats Tops!!!
Finished job:

The ACSD removed: