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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:02 pm
by Nissanman
Has anyone had any luck making their own biodiesel? I've got a TD42, any idea what sort of mods have to be done other than filters? Thanks.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:19 pm
by coxy321
Search my friend, and you will find the answer to the question. Plenty of biodiesel stuff on here, even a few backyard operations too.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:29 pm
by Nissanman
I did search and there was that much information there that I don't have the time to go through it all, thus the post.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:44 pm
by Brendan-s
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:44 pm
by coxy321
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:00 pm
by Nissanman
Good for you! I saw all that too. But how long did it take for you to read it all?? I just don't have time to sit around and go through all that information. If I did I would.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:16 pm
by coxy321
Then clearly if you havent got the time to spend an hour or two researching biodiesel, you've got no hope of EVER having the time to produce it.
If you're not "into" reading and stuff, then why are you on a forum?? Sh!t, why are you even on a computer??? Do you have a text-to-speech converter or something?
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:23 pm
by RoldIT
Biodiesel is easy to make, takes 5 mins and costs nothing. Pour in and drive ...
There you go, saved you many precious hours of reading.
Dislclaimer: Not everything you read on the interweb is true. Make sure time is taken to personally research and validate said information. Search function is an excellent start ...
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:43 pm
by dogbreath_48
Settle down coxy!
I think reposted questions are good sometimes - maybe new members didn't see the old threads and have something to contribute? Maybe the discussion will take a different path than old threads? There may be members out there who have never heard of biodiesel and may learn something new.
So long as it's not the old "can i fit 33" tyres on my GQ", i don't see a problem with a re-hash of a previously asked question.
I know nothing about biodiesel

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:15 pm
by zagan
I havn't made biodiesel I want to give it a try but don't have a suitable place to do it.
Biodiesel is simply refined veggie/seed oil, so that you don't have to mess around with oil heaters in fuel tanks and other crap.
The best place to look would be on youtube to see what to do or see if you want to go through with everything.
how ever you can also just run straight oil, as well with diesel.
The 1 major side effect - it's a solvant so it'll eat away at rubber and the seals in side the injector pump, so if you don't replace these with something else then your fuel system will start to leak over time.
This has happened to me with the 10% biodiesel at the cheap places, it takes a lot longer but it'll still leak either way.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:33 pm
by pongo
Nissanman wrote:Good for you! I saw all that too. But how long did it take for you to read it all?? I just don't have time to sit around and go through all that information. If I did I would.
IF you aint got the time to read up , then I sure a shiat dont have time to tell you.
I run on 18c litre, Took many a late night and trial and error. You young jedi apprentices want it all today without the hard work.
I bet you push kids out of the line at maccas just to jump the queue
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:31 pm
by coxy321
I'm not having a go at Nissanman cause he asked a question about biodiesel, just having a go because people that use the "I haven't got the time to read/search" excuse is bullsh!t. If he was really THAT interested in making his own biodiesel he would have at least SEARCHED for it either on here or on Google before randomly jumping in hoping to get a two sentence answer that will teach him the world of biodiesel - cause he clearly hasnt got the time to read a whole paragraph, let alone a whole page.
Biodiesel is NOT a quick 2 minute job you do before heading off to work in the morning, there are different levels of quality and refinement, and as i said earlier - if you dont have/cant make the time to research it, you've got no chance of actually putting it into practice.
Maybe we need to invest in a telepathically controlled search function, so we dont have actually input any data, and the results just appear on screen. We could then use our text-to-speech programs to read the results to us. Great idea. Maybe i'll start marketing it.
[ ... =biodiesel
This has info and links to other good bio sites ]
Coxy out.
dogbreath, god forbit anyone starts a new thread on that issue. I'll have to sell mine and then try to figure out how to fit 34's on. Anyone know how?
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:48 pm
by ddr
pongo wrote:
I run on 18c litre, Took many a late night and trial and error.
Pitty your not in Melb Pongo, id love to come see how you make your Bio.
Im itching to make some for my Train Station traveller.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:18 pm
by Wish I had coils
ddr wrote:pongo wrote:
I run on 18c litre, Took many a late night and trial and error.
Pitty your not in Melb Pongo, id love to come see how you make your Bio.
Im itching to make some for my Train Station traveller.
Well that makes 2 of us.
Moving house in afew days and i'll have a shed yea har, so i'm going to hit the local fish and chip shop up and have a go.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:42 pm
by LuxyBoy
I have the shed but am scared as it is a newly rebuilt motor

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:13 pm
by ddr
Wish I had coils wrote: i'm going to hit the local fish and chip shop up and have a go.
Doin the same when I get a chance. I only need 10lt a week Max to make it worthwhile.
I know where to get the Methanol, & I already have the Lye.
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:52 pm
by bogged
Wish I had coils wrote:So i'm going to hit the local fish and chip shop up and have a go.
...There are trucks that collect LOTS of this shit now, so you may find it harder to come by, since companies are paying for it for bulk usage.
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:02 pm
by Zute
Nissanman, Myth busters did a story on bio diesel. But someone else will have to find it for you as I don't have the time to look for you not that you will have had the time to read this far I imagine.
WIHC, go to chinese take aways. The oil is suppose to be better, and it don't smell as bad as fish'n'chip shops.
Its also a good idea to get a laser temp/metre, to check the flash point of the oil.
Place oil in a table spoon or similar thing and heat from below (with a blow torch) till oil ignites. Point laser at oil while doing this to take reading.
Cant remember what range it needs to be. sorry.
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:08 pm
by zagan
Zute wrote:Nissanman, Myth busters did a story on bio diesel. But someone else will have to find it for you as I don't have the time to look for you not that you will have had the time to read this far I imagine.
yeah but it wasn't about biodiesel per se, more about wheather SVO could be used and wheather it'd give you more power and make you get further on 1 tank.
The end result was that diesel actually gives you more power and you get further on a tank of diesel rather than bio diesel, but the cost saving with bio diesel would far out weigh the power/distance with diesel.
plenty of people already know that though but that's not what you use bio diesel for.
Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:08 pm
by bogged
Nissanman wrote:Good for you! I saw all that too. But how long did it take for you to read it all?? I just don't have time to sit around and go through all that information. If I did I would.
would you like people to make it for you as well? then fill the tank?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:45 am
by spongerx
If you don't have the time to read all the info you probably won't have the time to make it either and if you want to go the biodiesel route you'd probably be better off buying it from someone who makes large batches.
I was investigating making it myself but it was too time-consuming a process for me to do it myself and so I buy it from someone who has the time to make it.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:43 am
by Nissanman
Yeah, thanks. I'm working eighty to ninety hours per week and trying to run a family at the same time. It's not easy. What sort of time frame does it take to make the fuel anyway?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:33 am
by coxy321
Do yourself a favour mate, spend 10-15 minutes of reading on the below sites, and then you will be able to decide what level of quality you want to aim for, and then work out the costs/time involved.
The questions you keep asking have already been answered - you just need to spend a few minutes to work it out yourself. We cant decide for you how much spare time and money you have, and we cant decide how serious you want to get with your biodiesel.
PS. Can somebody tell me what time i should haven lunch today, what i should get to eat, and what a reasonable price to pay is?? If you could tell me what time the boss expects me back it'd be great too. Cheers!
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:38 am
by RoldIT
coxy321 wrote:PS. Can somebody tell me what time i should haven lunch today, what i should get to eat, and what a reasonable price to pay is?? If you could tell me what time the boss expects me back it'd be great too. Cheers!
1. 11am, you've missed it, back to work.
2. Shit Sandwich.
3. No more than 50c
4. Refer 1.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:39 am
by coxy321
I'll also need someone to come and wipe my @rse later on tonight after my lunch has been processed.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:30 pm
by bogged
coxy321 wrote:I'll also need someone to come and wipe my @rse later on tonight after my lunch has been processed.
you missed lunch, so back to #1
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:26 pm
by thehanko
wow, been doing some reading on the whole home bio set ups. they use some nasty shite! I dont think im keen enough to make my own biodiesel. sulphuric acid, castic soda etc etc. not really stuff i want to mess about with.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:49 pm
by bogged
thehanko wrote:wow, been doing some reading on the whole home bio set ups. they use some nasty shite! I dont think im keen enough to make my own biodiesel. sulphuric acid, castic soda etc etc. not really stuff i want to mess about with.
Bloke on Cranny road blew his shed to bits few mths ago making some.. not sure if it got the house or not, N would know.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:50 pm
by dogbreath_48
WAY off topic, but why is 100% biodiesel selling for 171.9c? I assume most of it is excess - production costs couldn't have increased at the same rate as dino-diesel price has?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:05 pm
by RoldIT
dogbreath_48 wrote:WAY off topic, but why is 100% biodiesel selling for 171.9c? I assume most of it is excess - production costs couldn't have increased at the same rate as dino-diesel price has?
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