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Mar tack or sir clip
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:06 am
by 4sum4
Just wondering what peoples opinions are and what you`ve done.
A little tack would make a weak spot about 50% through
Machining a sir clip would make a weak spot all the way around but not all the way through

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:19 am
by V8Patrol
Latheing out a sir-clip groove is the better way to go, while you are actually removing material you are also replacing it at the same time with the clip !
depending on the application ofcourse which is ....????
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:35 am
by N*A*M
Marfields eh?
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:50 am
by POS
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 3:32 pm
by landy_man
the are talking about the best way to stop an axle sliding into the 3rd member....
i also assume they are talking about hilux
Re: Mar tack or sir clip
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:47 pm
4sum4 wrote:Just wondering what peoples opinions are and what you`ve done.
A little tack would make a weak spot about 50% through
Machining a sir clip would make a weak spot all the way around but not all the way through

Doesnt look to me like he is talking about a way to stop an axle doing anything. Looks like he is asking how to build something the right or wrong way.
Either way it desnt make any sence at all.
This is why i guess not many have answered.
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:54 pm
by 4sum4
I`m fitting my new front cv`s and want to make do with the inner sir clip so I want to machine or tack the inner axle.
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:07 pm
4sum4 wrote:I`m fitting my new front cv`s and want to make do with the inner sir clip so I want to machine or tack the inner axle.
Thats a little better info.
1st- Dont machine a groove as the clip is replacing nothing it never becomes part of the axle so the matirial you remove is gone.
2nd- You wont fit a Circlip at the 30 spline end anyway as there is no room inside the diff centre.
3rd- A tac of weld wont penitrate 50% into the axle i doubt it will even penitrate 10% in. One small tac is all that is needed but it then needs to be ground down to fit inside the centre.
4th- What type of CVs are you using to require removal of the inner clip?
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:48 pm
by spazbot
i think he has himself some longfields,
if your running a arb in the front you dont need to worry bout tacking do ya
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:01 pm
spazbot wrote:i think he has himself some longfields,
if your running a arb in the front you dont need to worry bout tacking do ya
Yes you need to Tac with an ARB.
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:24 pm
by hypo
spazbot wrote:i think he has himself some longfields,
if your running a arb in the front you dont need to worry bout tacking do ya
from reading PBB u need 2 tack the axle with every front except some guys r saying that some of the lockrite (i think cant remember exactly) u dont need 2 tack
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:36 pm
by cbr
hypolux wrote:spazbot wrote:i think he has himself some longfields,
if your running a arb in the front you dont need to worry bout tacking do ya
from reading PBB u need 2 tack the axle with every front except some guys r saying that some of the lockrite (i think cant remember exactly) u dont need 2 tack
I just put my longs in yesterday and have a lockright and needed to put the circlip in as the axle went too far past the seal. If I had the resources and time I would have used a martack. But I need the car for work and had to do job yesterday. I also found the long side CV was creacked in two places

Hopefully the longs will last.
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:54 pm
cbr wrote:I just put my longs in yesterday and have a lockright and needed to put the circlip in as the axle went too far past the seal. If I had the resources and time I would have used a martack. But I need the car for work and had to do job yesterday. I also found the long side CV was creacked in two places

Hopefully the longs will last.
The long was Cracked or the one you pulled was cracked?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:59 pm
by POS
You really need to pull the LONG's out pretty soon and replace the snap ring with a Martac!!!
If you don't and you snap an axle you will have a nightmare of a time getting the broken part of the axle out of the Longfield!!!!!
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:08 pm
POS wrote:CBR.
You really need to pull the LONG's out pretty soon and replace the snap ring with a Martac!!!
If you don't and you snap an axle you will have a nightmare of a time getting the broken part of the axle out of the Longfield!!!!!
Not with the new style as there is no ring welded on.
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:11 pm
by cbr
RUFF wrote:cbr wrote:I just put my longs in yesterday and have a lockright and needed to put the circlip in as the axle went too far past the seal. If I had the resources and time I would have used a martack. But I need the car for work and had to do job yesterday. I also found the long side CV was creacked in two places

Hopefully the longs will last.
The long was Cracked or the one you pulled was cracked?
No the standard CV
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:12 pm
by cbr
RUFF wrote:POS wrote:CBR.
You really need to pull the LONG's out pretty soon and replace the snap ring with a Martac!!!
If you don't and you snap an axle you will have a nightmare of a time getting the broken part of the axle out of the Longfield!!!!!
Not with the new style as there is no ring welded on.
Yea I have the new style that is why I used the circlip. I figure it will be ok. Time will tell
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:54 pm
by ToNkA
I still have my new style Longfields sitting at home. I was going to use the clip. Have no idea about the other thing you mention. Anyone want to explain it for me?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:10 pm
by cbr
ToNkA wrote:I still have my new style Longfields sitting at home. I was going to use the clip. Have no idea about the other thing you mention. Anyone want to explain it for me?
Have a look on pirate for martack
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:23 pm
by ToNkA
Thanks for that.