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Old Skool ARB

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:41 pm
by Shorty40
Previously my compressor was taking a bit longer to get up to pressure before cutting out.

Recently it has not been cutting out at all. It runs constantly :cry:

It still operates the locks - but it can't be good for it.

Could it be the cylinder seal or the piston rings ? Or something else ?

Can anyone identify this ARB setup (I'm thinking pre-ARB :? ) ?

Secondly, can it be fixed ?

And finally, are parts available for these dinosaurs ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:41 pm
by Shorty40
One more

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:49 pm
by MissDrew
sounds like the pressor switch has died and is stuck in the closed possition, try just unpluging one of the 2 wires on the pressor switch and see if it cuts out, if it does try a new one. If that doesn`t work try replacing the main relay as it could be what has died and is stuck in the closed possy.

Parts are no longer avalable for that model, that model compressor was heeps better then the new ones so keep it as long as you can.

Re: Old Skool ARB

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:53 pm
by droopypete
Shorty40 wrote:Previously my compressor was taking a bit longer to get up to pressure before cutting out.

Recently it has not been cutting out at all. It runs constantly :cry:

It still operates the locks - but it can't be good for it.

Could it be the cylinder seal or the piston rings ? Or something else ?

Can anyone identify this ARB setup (I'm thinking pre-ARB :? ) ?

Secondly, can it be fixed ?

And finally, are parts available for these dinosaurs ?

Jason, I may be corrected on this but I think pre ARB (Roberts) they were vacuum actuated.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:03 pm
by ozy1
I actually have one of those comps in the garage, pulled it from my GQ as i had a newer one sittin read to go!

make an offer! :)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:07 pm
by ausyota
It could be running continuosly because of an air leak or a faulty pressure switch.
The first thing I would do is hook up a pressure guage and see if it getting right up to 100psi or not.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:17 pm
by DiscoDino
1st u need to clean ALL that mud off of it... THEN Tonka :armsup:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 7:45 pm
by ozy1
ill second evry one sayin check the pressure switch, but id also be looking at the small air filter they normally have on them, i did know when i had mine, the filter was chokas, and took ages to pump, clean it or replace it!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:19 pm
by ToNkA
I have the same compressor on my air locker system. Mine kept pumping air due to a small leak in the line at the coupling with the diff housing. Otherwise its (like everyone else has said) the pressure switch.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:32 pm
by Shorty40
Thanks for the advice guys :armsup:

So ...................

Pressure switch. How do I check if it is farked ? Guts says
Guts wrote:try just unpluging one of the 2 wires on the pressor switch and see if it cuts out, if it does try a new one
So if it cuts out when disconnected - its farked :? :?:

Air leak ? Doesnt sound like any air escaping at the compressor end of the lines and the diff ends are nice and tight. So I am about 80% sure this is not it :?

Air Filter- Tonka and ozy1 - where is it ? Is it internal ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:35 pm
by ToNkA
I never knew it had a filter? :?

There is only like one or two bolts holding the whole thing together, clean it pull it appart, clean it clean it clean it and go from there.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:36 pm
by Shorty40
ausyota wrote:It could be running continuosly because of an air leak or a faulty pressure switch.
The first thing I would do is hook up a pressure guage and see if it getting right up to 100psi or not.

I would guess it is getting about 100psi as the lockers seem to work fine :?

What do I hook the gauge up to ? The diff end of the line ?

What sort of gauge would I need ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:37 pm
by Shorty40
ToNkA wrote:I never knew it had a filter? :?

There is only like one or two bolts holding the whole thing together, clean it pull it appart, clean it clean it clean it and go from there.

Filter ? I am just going off what ozy1 posted - I didn't know it had one :?

Tonka - does yours have the 2 cylinders like mine ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:41 pm
by ToNkA
Mine looks exaclty the same as yours.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:46 pm
by Shorty40
ToNkA wrote:Mine looks exaclty the same as yours.

I rang ARB @ Moorebank and the dude didn't know what sort of compressor it was :lol:

He said they don't have parts for the old ones anymore :cry:

But said he would sell me a new one for $185. But I don't want anything NEW on my POS :lol:

I might do like you say and clean it, pull it aprt and put it back together. And try to seal everything nice and tight.

Fingers crossed :D

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:50 pm
by bazzle
Between the tank and the motor on the cast plate is a sintered bronze filter. Screws out. Replace with a 1/4" barb . a bit of fuel line and a cheap petrol filter.

Two things keep it running.
1. An air leak (probable cause)
Check all fittings with soapy water sprayed on, look for bubbles.
2. One way valve inside airtank is leaking back to cylinder. Is just a stainless flapper valve with an "O" ring underneath.

If pressure switch was stuck open it would pump high enough to blow the tank seal.

To check pressure screw a 1/4 gas fitting into outlet and att an air guage at tank.

Bazzle :lol:

Air leak

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:00 pm
by Roktruk
An internal air leak in the diff can cause the compressor to run constantly as well. There's 2 o rings inside the diff where the air enters the locker, and a 'c' seal on the piston that activates the lock. Mine was spitting oil out the solenoid dump valve coz one of the o rings was buggered. I've had to replace the pressure switch twice on mine over the past 10 years - it would cycle on and off really quickly, 2-3 second bursts

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:24 pm
by bazzle
If its running constantly Without Lockers in it will be an air leak at pump or internal flapper valve O ring.
