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lux air lokker into a 80 series diff

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:01 pm
by brad 93hilux
Basically i have a V6 front air lokker diff centre (has larger bearings than the standard lux) and i want to know if my airlokker will be the same size to use in a 80series high pinion diff...??? :?

If it is i wanted to transfer it over to fix my bad tailshaft angle...

is this possible?

Cheers Brad

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:04 pm
by arb383
what year model is your hilux?
is it ifs or live axle?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:57 pm
by dumbdunce
yes you can use it in the 80 series hi pinion centre. these only come in 4;1 ratio in the 80's though. you can get 4.3, 4.56 and 4.88 from bunderas, so that may match your rear ratio better. aftermarket gears are also available in other ratios.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:38 pm
by brad 93hilux
dumbdunce wrote:yes you can use it in the 80 series hi pinion centre. these only come in 4;1 ratio in the 80's though. you can get 4.3, 4.56 and 4.88 from bunderas, so that may match your rear ratio better. aftermarket gears are also available in other ratios.
Cheers, thats exactly what i wanted to know...

I am planning on getting a aftermarket set of gears from locktup 4x4 and hopefully buying a highpinion diff centre with broken gears to use the housing.

Thanks heaps
Brad :cool: