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hyclones for 1hz with turbo

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:27 pm
by Barno111
g'day guys i have a 1hz with a dts turbo, i have a pair of hyclones out of a 100 series pertrol sitting in the shed. i was just wondering if they will fit into my ute? if anyone has done this or even have a 1hz with a turbo and hyclones tell me how it goes, and are they pre turbo or after turbo??

cheers fellas

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:46 pm
Being 100% honest and straight down the line, it would be a waste of 30mins of our life that you will never get back! They do two parts of sweet F... All :D

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:51 pm
by scottmcguinness172
my 100 series 1hz turbo has one in it when i bought the car. its in the cross over pipe that goes over the rocker cover i reckon there a waste of time and $$ also

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:56 pm
by Sic Lux
scottmcguinness172 wrote:my 100 series 1hz turbo has one in it when i bought the car.
Some really good tech on them here ... ght=clones

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:46 pm
Don't waste your money on an overpriced inferior product, what you really want is a bundy hiclown

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:29 pm
by fester2au
DON'T BOTHER. Can't make it any clearer than that. I cannot believe they are even still selling them or that people are buying them. They are like the placebo effect of performance/economy mods.


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:35 pm
by 60_series_united
i was talkin to a mate that works at arb and he said u would need one before and after the turbo but its not goin to do much and wouldnt be worth it but if u have got them it cant hurt..

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:49 pm
by Sic Lux
Maybe check out electric supercharges on ebay the are 25% more efficient than hi clones so i hear :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:31 am
by 1MadEngineer
they do work!! but you have to use one of these to accurately measure there performance!! ... ucts_id=41

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:16 pm
by Barno111
well the only reason why i was thinking about putting them in was because the are just sitting there. anyway thanks for the comments.


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:08 pm
by Sic Lux
1MadEngineer wrote:they do work!! but you have to use one of these to accurately measure there performance!! ... ucts_id=41
:rofl: :armsup:

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:15 pm
by 80's_delirious
1MadEngineer wrote:they do work!! but you have to use one of these to accurately measure there performance!! ... ucts_id=41
:rofl: :rofl:

if your rigs not running tops maybe a set of these would help ;) ... ducts_id=5

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:11 pm
by HG
I run 4 Hyclones along with 2 of those electric blowers and I can tell you it makes my Surf sound like I've got a V8 in it :armsup: :armsup:

Re: ..

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:58 pm
by fester2au
60_series_united wrote:i was talkin to a mate that works at arb and he said u would need one before and after the turbo but its not goin to do much and wouldnt be worth it but if u have got them it cant hurt..

I know the ARB you are talking of and I cannot believe they are selling them and even promoting them out the front of the store. I saw the billboard the other day on the way past and nearly died. They've pretty much lost all credibility in my eyes now. It's one thing to be stockign them in the corner to keep someone happy but it's another to be promoting them on a sign on the national highway. Might as well have a sign up saying we are all tools here don't bother coming in.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:35 pm
by flyology
We get comercials on TV advertising them up here in Cairns....... :roll:

Re: ..

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:29 pm
by Simo63
60_series_united wrote:i was talkin to a mate that works at arb and he said u would need one before and after the turbo but its not goin to do much and wouldnt be worth it but if u have got them it cant hurt..
"Not going to do much" .. well he's right there .. except remove $shitloads from your wallet :rofl:

"Wouldn't be worth it" .. can't argue with that as he's right again :D

The only way these ridiculous things work is because they are so expensive that the idiot that allows him/herself to be sucked in and part with their cash then proceeds to drive like miss daisy until s/he convinces themselves their foolish investment is actually worth it.

And then a few months later (or maybe sooner depending on memory retention) when the numbskull has forgotten the pain and embarrassment of the outlay they go back to their old driving habits and fuel consumption returns to where it was before they "hycloned" their vehicle.

Fools and their money are soon parted :roll:

Having said that, of course the original question from Barno111 was "I've got these out of a hungy, should I put them in to my car" to which the answer is obviously NO. Put them on ebay and sell them to the next unsuspecting fool.