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Hyclone's AGAIN
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:34 pm
by dklyne454
Did a search on these, and didn't come up with much response other than "Don't waist your time or money", and "THEY DONT WORK"
Can somebody please explain to me why,
I had one in my tb42s GQ when i bought it about 6 weeks ago. when changing the plugs today, i didn't put it back in to the carbie as i said to pastorslim that i didn't think it worked anyway.
Next thing you know, the car was running with a rough idle, and when i tried to accelerate it would fart, pop and backfire and cut out.
after doing this a few times, frustrated and with wishful thinking, i decided to put the hiclone back in the air filter.
both of us were dumbfounded when the car turned on, idled beautifully and was very responsive in it's revs and acceleration.
To be certain, we pulled it back out, and put it back in a few times with the same results.
The vehicle is on straight Gas, is it something to do with that, or is it simply that it does work?
Why will the car NOT work without it?
I dont need a solution, if it works it works, as long as i can drive, but just thought it would be interesting to get some feedback on why it works.
Re: Hyclone's AGAIN
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:39 pm
by Guy
dklyne454 wrote:Did a search on these, and didn't come up with much response other than "Don't waist your time or money", and "THEY DONT WORK"
Can somebody please explain to me why,
I had one in my tb42s GQ when i bought it about 6 weeks ago. when changing the plugs today, i didn't put it back in to the carbie as i said to pastorslim that i didn't think it worked anyway.
Next thing you know, the car was running with a rough idle, and when i tried to accelerate it would fart, pop and backfire and cut out.
after doing this a few times, frustrated and with wishful thinking, i decided to put the hiclone back in the air filter.
both of us were dumbfounded when the car turned on, idled beautifully and was very responsive in it's revs and acceleration.
To be certain, we pulled it back out, and put it back in a few times with the same results.
The vehicle is on straight Gas, is it something to do with that, or is it simply that it does work?
Why will the car NOT work without it?
I dont need a solution, if it works it works, as long as i can drive, but just thought it would be interesting to get some feedback on why it works.
By taking it out and it runs rough is more to do with the rest of the sate of tune of the car I would say .. as there are plenty of TB42's out there on gas that run just fine.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:51 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:52 pm
by tweak'e
there is some science behind hiclones. basically it just swirls the air to mix the fuel better.
in old vehicles with poor carburetors and inlet manifolds it does actually work and you will find many factory vehicles with a similar design built in.
however with modern vehicles the swirl is either done in the manifold or more commonly done with port design.
in your case most likely you have a fuel mix formation problem the hiclone is covering up. i guess as its straight gas its a gas carb problem. it could well be it doesn't respond well to the change in air restriction. the hiclone could well be smoothing out the pulses enough that the gas carb works properly.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:04 pm
by want33s
More likely an air/vacuum leak when the con-job is removed I'd say.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:21 pm
by HotFourOk
I have heard of a few people using a HiClone to swirl the gas/air mixture better also, no bull.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:54 pm
by love ke70
id say its just tuned different with the different air flow characteristics with the hycline in there.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:06 pm
by coxy321
want33s wrote:More likely an air/vacuum leak when the con-job is removed I'd say.
I'll second that.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:58 pm
by dklyne454
The point i was intending to make, was simply that if it runs rough and backfires without it, and then runs beautiful with it, then OBVIOUSLY IT MUST DO SOMETHING.
It runs fine with it in, so while it is running well, i will let sleeping dogs lie.
I am very happy with the economy/power ratio that i have at the moment, regardles of whether it is because of the hiclone or not.
As i said, it was basicly to point out or ask, if they dont work, WHY does it make a difference?
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:02 pm
by love ke70
put your hand over the carby throat, thatll make it do all sorts of funny things too

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:11 pm
by coxy321
Without seeing the actual setup its hard to say, but as someone said earlier - there's plenty of gq's getting aroung on gas without hi-clones.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:38 pm
by cooki_monsta
love ke70 wrote:put your hand over the carby throat, thatll make it do all sorts of funny things too

LOL including spit flames at you :d seen mine do that numerous times

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:36 pm
Most LPG relies on a certain amount of intake restriction to trigger the gas flow. Same happens to my falcon with the air filter out or lid off. That's gas - it's normal.
Hyclone is a w*nk - lose it. At least your test proves it's a restriction.
If you really want to look at it google fluid dynamics, laminar flow, flow splitting, turbulence, flow in corrugated pipe, flow restriction etc.
Also read these ... take-flows
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:41 pm
by dklyne454
So, if the motor backfires and stalls when it is not on there, then i presume that it is flooding the motor?
Which if me3@.... is correct in stating that it restricts the flow, then that would allow it to run right?
Which means that if all this is the case, then i am running it Rich, using the hiclone to restrict the flow, and then basically using up more gas then necessary to achieve what is needed?
Can someone who isn't confused confirm that please

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:51 pm
dklyne454 wrote:So, if the motor backfires and stalls when it is not on there, then i presume that it is flooding the motor?
Which if me3@.... is correct in stating that it restricts the flow, then that would allow it to run right?
Which means that if all this is the case, then i am running it Rich, using the hiclone to restrict the flow, and then basically using up more gas then necessary to achieve what is needed?
Can someone who isn't confused confirm that please :bad-words:
I would say it's running lean with the Hyclone out.
Gas can be confusing for backfiring as you have a lot more fuel / air mixed ready to burn in the manifold than petrol.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:52 pm
by brad-chevlux
dklyne454 wrote:So, if the motor backfires and stalls when it is not on there, then i presume that it is flooding the motor?
Which if me3@.... is correct in stating that it restricts the flow, then that would allow it to run right?
Which means that if all this is the case, then i am running it Rich, using the hiclone to restrict the flow, and then basically using up more gas then necessary to achieve what is needed?
Can someone who isn't confused confirm that please

it doesn't realy mater either way. take it out tune the engine properly,
if you want, put it back in after, if you think it still runs better then, leave it in.
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:38 pm
by love ke70
brad-chevlux wrote:dklyne454 wrote:So, if the motor backfires and stalls when it is not on there, then i presume that it is flooding the motor?
Which if me3@.... is correct in stating that it restricts the flow, then that would allow it to run right?
Which means that if all this is the case, then i am running it Rich, using the hiclone to restrict the flow, and then basically using up more gas then necessary to achieve what is needed?
Can someone who isn't confused confirm that please

it doesn't realy mater either way. take it out tune the engine properly,
if you want, put it back in after, if you think it still runs better then, leave it in.
that wouldnt really work, thats like tuning a motor without the air filter on, has to be tuned to the different flow dynamics.
best bet is get a knowledgable gas shop put it on the dyno and tune it, and see what they think of the hyclone.
cheers, andrew
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:28 am
by coxy321
Generally if gas is backfiring it means you have a vacuum leak somewhere. Usually if you over-fuel with LPG and things go wrong, you should be able to count your rods hanging outside the engine block.
Best off to remove it, and maybe take it to a gas specialist (or if your handy) and find where your leak is coming from.
I'm guessing you have a complex converter/simple mixer setup?
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:21 pm
by love ke70
or your getting valve float, gotta love backfires on the limiter

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:17 pm
by brad-chevlux
[quote="love ke70]
that wouldnt really work, thats like tuning a motor without the air filter on, has to be tuned to the different flow dynamics.
best bet is get a knowledgable gas shop put it on the dyno and tune it, and see what they think of the hyclone.
cheers, andrew[/quote]
hiclone 'claim' by just fitting it you'll see a difference. they never claim it needs retuneing
if you realy wanted to you could tune it with and with out it and dyno it both ways. but who has time for wasting
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:18 pm
by love ke70
dyno tuners
do you have the money?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:31 pm
by brad-chevlux
love ke70 wrote:dyno tuners
do you have the money?
