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Your experiences with the 2.8 versus 2.5 TDi's...?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:17 pm
After driving OlBetsy for two years now, I'm lovin the diesel, and its working good. But we are thinking about a bigger trailer (caravan?) and the little 2500cc oil burner is not gonna cut it. Need moorrrrreee powerrrrrr....

We never got either diesel here, so I only have experience with mine that I imported as a JDM from Japan, but you guys had both for a lot of years down there... Is the 2.8 that much more powerful? And what about reliability? I've read lots on cracked heads/head gaskets, but I'd like to hear real experiences from guys/gals that use/abuse and wheel them. Is the 4M40 a good, reliable engine? (I know it needs to be looked after - I had a G54B 2.6 petrol back in the day - that mikuni was as finicky as they come).

Should Old Betsy version 5 have a 2.8 TdI?


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:29 pm
by Pharb
Bearing in mind I haven't driven a 2.5TDI (but had a few 2.6L Astron powered Gen 1 versions before this Gen 2) and I don't think there could be any comparision.
Wasn't the 2.5 just a bored and stroked 2.3 which was in turn based on the Astron? Or belt driven Saturn maybe?
4M40 completely new engine. Big ladder type crank bearing saddle (?), chain driven cam. Gear driven inj pump, power steering pump and vacuum pump.
And don't forget a much bigger gearbox, transfer case and rear diff. (no more gearbox rebuilds every 100000km like in my Gen 1 Astrons)

Problems I've had ....thinking.....thinking......had to replace the water pump at 300000km......rear wheel bearings at about 350000km (seals had weeped all the grease out, but no water intrusion), a set of front bearings in there to at some stage........glow plugs about every 60000km, although this last set seemed to have lasted a bit lnger then that.......injectors were serviced at about 300000km.......biggest issue so far was the clutch "only" lasted 375000km, still plenty of meat left on it, just dropped a cushion spring out of the centre and wouldn't dissengage, a bit of a bugger at the time with 2 1/2 tonne off firewood on the trailer whilst trying to make a quick grab of third gear up a pretty good hill.

I do have nightmares thinking about it must be getting close to having a big hemmerage (most vehicles need some major repairs before they get to 400000km. My last (Astron powered) Paj was onto about its third gearbox rebuild, 3rd or fourth engine head, 2nd bottom end engine rebuild, a diff this stage).

But this one just keeps going, and going and going....

Peter H

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:24 pm
by HotAe92
yep i'm with Peter on this one, never driven a 2.5 but love my 2.8.

Not too much in the way of replacements:
-Water pump
-Fuel pump rebuild
and the usual diesel maintenance.

I give it some serious hell and just keeps on going, though I do keep on top of regular servicing.

Definately a great little engine though, has sold me on diesels.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:14 pm
by j-top paj
why not get a 4m41 and do a conversion?