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Front engine oil leak help/ info

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:59 pm
by Rovernaut
I'm trying to source an oil leak from the front of the engine. It's a Disco with a later V8i 1996 3.9 efi, (filter is at bottom front.)
I originaly suspected the front corners of the head gasket, but having another look I suspect it could be either from the timing cover gasket at the top. There is oil running from the front face of the block underneath the area where the cylinder heads bolt on. ( mainly the left one, facing the vehicle). I think it is being blown there by the fan.
I aslo expect the oil pressure sensor could be causing the right hand side leak and it runs down to the oil filter.
I have degreased the engine to try to source the leaks, but as the fan seems to blow oil to other places it's hard to diagnose.
If it's the front timing cover, any advise or tricks to make it easier. It seems I have to remove the dizzy, fan and water pump and the sump to remove the cover. apologies for the long post, any tricks are appreciated.