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Quick Shifter

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 2:21 am
by Zol
hi all

I need some info on the Hurst Quickshift
I was kindly given one yesterday.

It doesn't have the cable which is not a drama.

I have a Turbo 700 auto tranny which is normally levered by a solid bar.

Does anyone have any ideas on the best setup for my tranny?

Is there stock parts specifically for this kinda setup?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:29 am
by SaNTa
Soz, no info on the above but is it the all metal one? If it is the like the one I had many years ago in a street rod then carry a rag with you. When you park it in the sun put the rag over the shifter. In the sun they literaly get so hot they will burn your hand when you grab it. Not a little "Oh that hurts a bit" burn. A "Fuck me dead dial 911 burn". You have been warned :)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:04 pm
by Zol
Thanks for that.....
It's actually got an 8 ball knob but can imagine that'll get hot too.
It's a small price to pay fo a descent shifter

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:45 pm
by Julian_4x4
Zoltan your trucks spec is outstanding i love it wish i had all of that

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 1:50 pm
by Damo
I know there is a bracket available to hook these up to the trimatic tranny, i'd say the same is available for the TH700.

Check with your local speed shop.

I just noticed that you wrote hurst quick shift. The research I did was for a B&M quicksilver shifter. HTH

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 3:27 pm
by Zol
thanks Damo

I'm sure they're very close in set up. If I can't get what I want from the Hurst setup I' might be able to do it from B&M

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 3:29 pm
by Zol
Julian_4x4 wrote:Zoltan your trucks spec is outstanding i love it wish i had all of that

Hey Julian ...Is that the Julian from NewZealand? welding extraordinare...fear no cutting shall weld?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 3:37 pm
by Julian_4x4
Yep sure am, i was half way on the origional cab but a guy offered me a swap with another cab but needs floor replacements and it came some diffs and some other toyota junk to go with it, i got sick of the other cab to much work like how you said

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:11 pm
by Zol
Yeah...I couldn't beleiv you were gonna replate the whole truck virtually. But good decision to get another.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 10:35 pm
by Punchy
Since there is a large amount of variations in the turbo 700 family build, ill make some assumptions,
I would assume that you have the early VN V8 chev pattern type TH700-R transmission, And want to bolt it up to something.
This transmission was a 4 speed transmission with a electric/solinoid lock up convertor.
The shifter you mention i think you'll find it is a 3 speed unit with a shift pattern of


No where in there is any provision for the lock up or overdrive..

The commodores have a pattern like so


You might find it easier to actually findit easier to fit up a commdore shifter and linkage rod over that of the rachet shifter..etc etc.

But if you do have a 4 speed "rachet shifter" (plz tell me where you got it from i want one) You shouold be able to locate a linkage assembly through

Rod Hadfeild
Castlemaine Rod Shop

he's in the book

or Rocket Industries
I think there are in melbourne

OR last but not least..i was at "Superformance" in brisbane just yesterday and saw a cardboard box full of gearbox shifter linkages to suit various types of transmissions. They are also TH700 savy and should be able to shed somelight on your prediciment as well if need be .

Hope this helps.


Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 1:20 am
by Zol
Thanks Punchy

It's a 4 speed tranny yes from the VP

I've used the original com shift but I'm having clearance hassles around the firewall & it nudges the transfer lever & under torque it either knocks the transmission shifter into neutral or knocks the transfer lever into neutral.

This new (old) lever has an extra tooth on it for the optional 4th. I just gotta work out how to activate it.

As for where to get one? I just happen to help the right person with some tools when his 4by broke down, got to talking & he was nice enough to give it to me. I was very thankful. And I hope to return him a favour some time. Sorry that was the only one.

I'll give these guys a buz....Much appreciated Punchy. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 6:42 am
by Wendle
Punchy wrote:Howdy,

I have a blue tongue lizard called Punchy!!

Seriously :silly:

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 8:42 pm
by SaNTa
If your lizard looks like punchy I would kill it now :D

*waves at punchy heheh