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Replacing Engine Mount
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:32 pm
by Newtothefourbeworld
Ok so i broke an engine mount during my engine swap and have now come to needing to replace it as i have a trip coming up (dw i haven't been driving it)
i have previously done the passengers side mount but this time is the drivers side and i cant find any way to support the engine while i do it.
just wondering if there are any tips or trick to this side or will i have to borrow an engine hoist again?
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:26 pm
by MightyMouse
Its been awhile now so i'm going to be even more vague than usual...
From memory I used a piece of thin timber ( like 10mm wide ) and located it on the edge of the sump and lifted from below with a trolley jack.
Came in from the outside of the guard and there was just enough room to turn the spanner a bit each go. Was a pita but easier than any other option. A few turns and a bit more lift with the jack etc etc......
I didn't bother putting webbing around it as they usually don't seem to be as troublesome as the passengers side or transmission mounts.
Still I'm glad to have chucked the whole lot out - never had an issue since, largely because I now have a torque control mount on the transfer to adsorb the twist generated by the gearing.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:23 pm
by Goatse.AJ
Use a trolley jack with a piece of wood and try to get it in under the edge of where your bellhousing bolts up to the rear of the engine. As MM says, it's a complete PITA of a job to do, but somewhat easier if you have a semi-competent assistant. I think, from memory, I had to use a car stand to support it while I took another bite at it with the jack.
I have to do my rhs one again soon ....I tore mine and broke a rear left shock in one go after getting a bit of a bounce to the left

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:20 am
by Newtothefourbeworld
ouch. Mine was just old and didnt handle the new engine being put in. i wasnt sure i broke it so i just kept going but its gone! :(
must be done by the 26th!
Ps if anyone wishes to join me and a mate on a trip over the weekend of the 27th feel free
prob head out blue mountains way
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:27 pm
by Clint
Just a tip, loosen the tranny one while ya do it.
When i did mine it tore the tranny one when i jacked up the engine.