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Chevy Cylinder Numbers

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 11:09 am
by TOYrantula
Alrighty guys. I got Tony's Chev V6 and I know the firing order...165432 Alls I need to do is work out whether number 1 cylinder starts at the firewall or at the fan end, and also the same for number 4 cylinder. Cant find info anywhere. My educated guess would be that number 1 and 4 are at the fan end...


Re: Chevy Cylinder Numbers

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:52 pm
by MKPatrolGuy
TOYrantula wrote:Alrighty guys. I got Tony's Chev V6 and I know the firing order...165432 Alls I need to do is work out whether number 1 cylinder starts at the firewall or at the fan end, and also the same for number 4 cylinder. Cant find info anywhere. My educated guess would be that number 1 and 4 are at the fan end...


You are correct...

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 7:10 pm
Looking at the engine from the front
No1=RH Front
No2=LH Front
No3=RH Middle
No4=LH Middle
No5=RH Back
No6=LH Back
Remember this is facing the front of the engine.

On all V8/V6 engines No1 is on the cylinder that is furthermost forward.
This is usually defined by wether the engine was originaly designed for a LH or RH drive vehicle.

Ps:The airfilter is here i will put it out next to the garage door for you.