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Haven't posted on here in ages

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:25 pm
by smellypaddler
Hi Guys,

I haven't posted on here in ages. The poor Roza has been left neglected in the drive 'cos I got a company car and it always overheats and I could never work out what it was. Now I'm not the most mechanical of guys but over the years I've been learning about the Feroza and have tackled a few small jobs on it. Now I think I have worked out that the viscous fan has gone and know that I can get the goop from Toyota but have absoloutley no idea what I'm doing when it comes to pulling out the fan. Before I just start undoing things and then get into strife putting them back can anyone here talk me through the process.

If anyone in Melbourne wants to spend a weekend afternoon showing a bloke how to fix Roza I'm more than happy to supply beer and BBQ. I need to do the fan and also either replace the idler and pitman arms or the bushes. (again I have no idea how to do this).

I reckon I can tackle the body lift myself as that seems straight fwd enough (minding hose stretch).

Oh, and whilst I'm at it - I've been looking for a bullbar for 4 years and never found one for the right price so if you know of any WT bullbars going please let me know.

Cheers guys :-)

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:19 pm
by MightyMouse
Get the thing going...... you'll completely miss out on "mud season" the way your going. :cry:

The manual tells you nothing except how to remove it.... So a bit of experimenting could be in order, worst comes to worst you could put a bolt through it so it turns at engine speed. The damm things always run hot so probably wouldn't be an issue.

PM sent

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:21 am
by Goatse.AJ
I'll see what i can do in the next couple of weeks for you... Shoot me a pm and I'll give you my number.

In the meantime, take it to Pedders for one of their $14 "safety checks". At least that way you'll know what needs doing in the front end.