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How do I remove the radiator fan?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:17 pm
by smellypaddler
OK, I know that the fan can be pulled apart and refilled with viscous fluid but I need a step to step on how to pull the fan out.

I have pulled out the radiator and after that I'm stuck. I think I've gottta pull the water pump out but I've never done one of these before. So can anyone please help out with how to do this. If not what troubles will I run into pulling out the water pump?


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:25 pm
by smellypaddler
I also noticed that the aircon fan does not work when the ignition is on and the air con button is pressed. Could this be a cause for overheating? Is the Air Con fan meant to come on as well when the engine is hot? The fan works when hard wired to the battery.

I think it is the viscous fan as when the car is hot and the fan is spinning I can stop it with a bit of cardboard.

Any help....Pleeeaaassseee

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:58 pm
by murcod
Once the fan shroud is removed you should be able to unbolt the fan and viscous hub from the front of the water pump. Leave the fan belt on as it will help you undo the bolts/ nuts. No need to remove the waterpump.

The A/C fan cuts in and out as required (IIRC?), so I wouldn't bother worrying about that until you can check it with the engine running.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:40 pm
by smellypaddler
Thanks mate. I'll have to go and have another look at it but I couldn't see how to get it off. I can see the bolt heads holding it on but can't get to them.

I'm sure the A/C fan should come on as required but if I turn the A/C on should the fan come on straight away?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:41 pm
by smellypaddler
OK I was an idiot and the fan was pretty easy to get out once I used a spanner and not a socket. Doh!

So I have an overheating problem on my widetrack Feroza. It's been there for pretty much forever. Originally I didn't see it was overheating and it boiled dry and cost me a new motor. New motor in and it still overheats. 2nd hand radiator in and still it overheats. Nice mechanic couldn't fix the problem so in went another motor and another radiator. Still it overheats.

Thermostats changed. Still overheats.

Now I thought I'd got it and pulled out the viscous fan coupling and re-filled it with goo and nope it still overheats.

My A/C fan doesn't seem to come on either so I hard wired it today and drove it around to see if that would make any difference but nope.

So how do I stop the (*&(*& thing from overheating?


Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:03 pm
by murcod
Is the thermostat genuine? If not, rip it out and go get a Daihatsu one- they do work a LOT better.

Have you had either radiator checked by a radiator repairer? Have you got the radiator shroud fitted?

Have you checked your timing is correct and that the vacuum advance is working at idle?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:35 pm
by smellypaddler
I'm pretty certain it is a genuine thermostat but I'm gonna rip it out and check it anyway. Everything that has been put in has been 2nd hand as I had a wreckers/workshop do the work but now I'm just learning to do it myself.

The radiators haven't been checked by a radiator specialist but they were pressure tested when installed so there aren't any leaks in the cooling system.

The fan shroud is fitted but doesn't have the bottom section so it only wraps around 3 sides. (is this normal?)

No idea how to do the last bits but give me a hint and I'll get cracking.