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4.1 lux/hiace diff

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:18 pm
by cloughy
Howdy Tojo people

Can anyone tell me exactly what I can source a luxy centre from in 4.1 ratio, 2wd and Hiace I believe come with them, but what ones exactly and are they marked by a tag, or does anyone have the compliance plate codes that correspond??

Or better yet, anyone have one for cheap? :armsup:

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:45 pm
by Trusa ... diff+ratio

This link has the axel codes. I run a 4.1 hiace centre in my lux which is apparently from an early 90's 2.8 diesel van, but I say apparently as it was an Ebay purchase so I can't confirm.
