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Body Lift

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:53 am
by phraze84
OK boys, im back again...

Just ordered my lift kit, 50mm & i have a few Q's for you guys....

1. Do i need to extend any fuel lines, break line, steering.. stuff?

2. Do i need to lower my radiator? (which dosnt f@#king work anyway)

3. For NSW does it need to be engineered?

4. I have diff breathers that have been fitted into the cross member. Would I need to look at the length of them or are they not affected?

Thanks guys.

And also i have already checked out FAQ and tech stuff and what i found wasnt too clear.

Thanks again.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:01 pm
by Percy
You will have to make some 2inch lowering brackets for 3 things on the fire wall (fuel filter and two other things), brake lines are fine, loosen off fuell filler clamp to allow for it to slide down (more than enough pipe).
Steering is fine.

Diff breathers are they fitted to the body then yes otherwise no.

You will need to lower your radiator 2 inches and drill new holes.

Engineering not so sure would asume so mine isn't in QLD what they don't know won't hurt them, just be aware that your insurance company will not pay out if you haven't told them and most prob won't cover you when you tell them so it's on you.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:27 pm
by MightyMouse
Vacuum line from the inlet manifold to booster was also too short on mine. Make sure that if you replace it you use a line with the inbuilt check valve.

I wasn't very pleased with the positions of the gearshift and transfer knobs, but as they were headed for the bin I just put up with them for the few weeks,

Bumpers are also an issue, especially if you've got a bar, Two inches could well cause the bar to be in the headlights beam. They also look a bit weird / obvious IMO with body lift without the bumpers being lifted to match.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:13 am
by nebivedu
Radiator? why do you have to lover the radiator? overheating problems?

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:41 am
by Goatse.AJ
In most states (except QLD???) I believe you need a bodylift engineered.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:27 am
by MightyMouse
The radiators attached to the body the fan to the engine.

The engine stays where it is and the raditor goes up causing shroud problems.