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HELP broken roza need parts

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:30 pm
Hi here's my problem I took my feroza up to the blue mountains for the long weekend it was only its second time out, I broke the front drive shaft and only being 1/2 way thru the track had to keep going and managed to destroy the rear diff center so it had no drive and had to tow it home :bad-words:

Went to 2 local wreckers and got a shaft (for $175) but they both want $330 or $350 for the rear diff center if I remove it :shock: I thought that was a bit steep so does any body know of some cheaper wreckers or have a spare center that they’d like to part with :D

It’ a 1994 wide track SX2

Any help is much appreciated.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:12 pm
by MightyMouse
Personally I don't think $350 is outrageous from a wrecker - they aren't a common part and they are in it to make money so........

As for the front shaft, how the #$%^ did you break it ?

If its was at a uni then it was almost certainly lack of lubrication and its associated problems. Its amazing how much heat a failing uni can generate and it contributes to yoke breakages. Perhaps a few squirts of grease in the rest of the lubrication points might be worth doing ?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:20 pm
by RockyF75
350 is cheap ish.

When I was looking for a rocky rear diff I could find only one in Sydney (rang about 12 wreckers) and the feller wanted $550 for it. And he was in no way open to negotiations.

I'll sell u a pair of rocky ones for $400 :D You can do an SAS on the roza :armsup:

EDIT: $175 for a front shaft, now THAT seems steep to me :?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:58 am
I regularly grease the shafts but on closer inspection the bit that joins the 2 parts of the uni had been broken for some time and was only held by ¼ of its diameter witch would explain why I didn’t hear it when it broke, I purchased the vehicle as a reparable rite off from a wrecking yard it hat front end damage so I think this may have caused the brake in the first place.

Just a quick question do the narrow track and the wide track have different diff ratios or are they all the same?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:01 pm
by dai-hard
$350 is ok. better get a couple of them if your running the wheels i seen on it the other day. :lol:

Rozas arent real strong in the driveline dept.

Which wreckers you goin too.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:30 pm
by MightyMouse
AFAIK all the same. There was some discussion of auto's being different some time ago but I'm uncertain as to the outcome - whether it was true or not.

However I'd be surprised if they were a higher numerical ratio which is really what most of us want to compensate for bigger tires.

5.285:1 is already a pretty high ruduction by most vehicle standards.

And..... IMO actually Feroza's axles aren't too bad when compared with other vehicles of similar size. What tends to kill them is that because of the poor transfer ratios / no lockers etc they get driven very hard at things and the obvious happens.

I'm running 32's, locker, auto and reduction gears so I've bags of torque and havn't broken anything except the mounts on the front diff casting ( and I think that was because i "sat" on something ... hard. )

Gearboxes and transfers however are a different story but as I'm not using Feroza ones - that's more what I've heard.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:26 pm
by r0ck_m0nkey
MightyMouse wrote:AFAIK all the same. There was some discussion of auto's being different some time ago but I'm uncertain as to the outcome - whether it was true or not.
There was some lower ratios fitted to Auto Ferozas. Mike Hennesy got hold of a set many years ago that i am unsure as to wether he actually fitted them or not before he sold it (AJ might remember???). They were rarer then rocking horse shit back then, so would be next to impossible to find these days i would think.

For how rare they are, if you actually did get hold of a set, you'd be in an even worse situation if you did break them. You would have just ensured that there is one less set in existance which would make finding a replacement even harder.

As you have said, 5.285:1 is already very low for a diff ratio anyway and is proof there are other parts in the driveline which that need to be looked at first.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:13 pm
by MightyMouse
If we are both talking about lower ratios being higher numerical ones then strength would be a significant issue IMO, The crownwheel and pinion tooth pitch would be very fine and this doesn't bode well for strength.

The toyota 5.7:1 ( or thereabouts ) C&P are significantly larger than the Feroza and they aren't known for their strength. THe 5.285:1 C&P's on the other hand haven't given me a problem.

However its all pretty academic as sourcing them seems next to impossible. - but if anyone has a 5.7 front i'd be interested. :cool:

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:58 pm
Thanks for the info guys I was able to source a diff center for $200
got it in today, Now just have to put the brakes back in and fill with oil.
Will post picks of the carnage wednesday ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:16 pm
As promised here's the damage





That's what happens to a diff when you red line it then drop the clutch :oops: the top picks are of the guts of the uni

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:47 pm
by MightyMouse
MightyMouse wrote:What tends to kill them is that because of the poor transfer ratios / no lockers etc they get driven very hard at things and the obvious happens.
I think we have now seen the supporting evidence for my theory :oops:

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:56 am
by F300tazmanian