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Capillary gauge problem

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 8:15 am
by antt
well i installed my capillary water temp gauge over the weekend, only to find that the vitara doesn't wanna go above 60*c........

when i installed it though, the temperature sender was too big to fit into the thermostat housing, so i have used a 2 inch long threaded nut, with a reducer on the end that is screwed into the housing, this means that the sender is outside of the housing, but it should still be getting water flowing to it.

anyway, so i put a new thermostat in, an 82*c one, and that hasn't fixed the problem. BTW, my vitara has a brand new radiator in it. even when i went for a quick play on sunday morning on some tracks, it only got up to 70*

so does anyone know what else i should check for?????

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 6:34 pm
by zooki
Pull the guage out and put it in a pot of water and boil it to see if it accurate, a lot aren't

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 2:29 pm
by antt
zooki wrote:Pull the guage out and put it in a pot of water and boil it to see if it accurate, a lot aren't

so simple yet such a good idea, i'll have to do that :D

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 2:22 pm
by antt
well i tried the boiling water idea and the guage seems to be working fine.....anyone else got any other idea's :?