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Using SMS words and poor Grammar posts.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:29 am
by Guy
I have no idea how a person speaks in real life.
To me the way a person presents themselves in the disembodied world of the Internet says a lot as to how a question will be answered.
If your to lazy to bother typing properly, Most folk are not going to put any effort into answering the question properly .. It is my observation that most think the person asking will take the time to read it properly.
Take a look at the sort of questions that get really good comprehensive answers. (Bru21 with his ICV thread in general tech springs to mind)
They are researched.
They are punctuated.
Usually reasonable spelling (google and FireFox both provide spell checkers, consider using them).
Unless your SMSing in your posts, and you have a 300 character limit please consider others and use whole words where possible.
When asking for something, please take a moment to think about your audience, a lot of them may be over 30 and not really get your l33t way of typing. If your asking a tech question, you want to reach the widest possible audience, and a lot of the tech does reside with the people who have had the experience, that only comes with time .. meaning they are generally older then 21.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:31 am
by jonno_racing
NO TECH... general sh!t Chat
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:44 am
by Gwagensteve
plz jonno, were trying to get thu 2 the sme plplz who cant search or look thru the bible b4 asking a qn
They're clearly in far too much of a rush for an answer to read anythng in chit chat,
X2 Love_Mud. I agree.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:50 am
by just cruizin'
I find that crap harder to read thus takes me longer, is that a sign of my age.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:51 am
by Gwagensteve
Oh as an aside, I certainly don't expect everyone to have great written english, but words dont have normally have numbers in them etc.
PS Mac spellchecks everything you type too.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:16 am
by ScrawnC
just cruizin' wrote:is that a sign of my age.
I think we are now dealing with a generation that is used to getting everything right now. There is no real effort needed to get what they want. This spills over into every part of their lives. They don't want to have to sit down for half an hour to an hour and do research, they just want the answer now. This leads to the same thing happening time and time again, those that have been here for a while get grumpy cos the topic has been covered in depth over and over, which is fair enough. If newbies were to refrain from posting for the first few months and just read the threads, bibles and searched, then they would find that 99% of their questions would be answered.
And yes, grammar and punctuation is a plus.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:22 am
by Eddy
Good call L M!
Can we make this a sticky?:armsup:
The saddest thing for these people is, that the people most likely to have their answers, are also the people who could not be bothered with trying to decipher that gobbledygook.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:24 am
by david123
with my crook spellin, even me mac has a hard time decifering what the word is im tryin to say, so often, i just hit learn word.
I know people do not speak as eloquently as some expect, that does not take from their request, nor IMO should it be upon all to chastise them.
I find maths as easy as crakin a beer, love it, mostly do not bother with a calculator as I can do 99% of my needs in my head, but I do not belittle those who cannot do on a calculator as fast as I can do in my hed, nor those who have no comprehension of.
Some here you will find do not have english as a first language, some like me speak and write a barsted version of the "queens" english. Ever heard prince chuk speak, im stuffed if I can understand what he rattles on about, yet he is presumably speaking perfect english.
I am not perfect, and so, will not judge.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:26 am
by Eddy
david123 wrote:Steve,
with my crook spellin, even me mac has a hard time decifering what the word is im tryin to say, so often, i just hit learn word.
I know people do not speak as eloquently as some expect, that does not take from their request, nor IMO should it be upon all to chastise them.
I find maths as easy as crakin a beer, love it, mostly do not bother with a calculator as I can do 99% of my needs in my head, but I do not belittle those who cannot do on a calculator as fast as I can do in my hed, nor those who have no comprehension of.
Some here you will find do not have english as a first language, some like me speak and write a barsted version of the "queens" english. Ever heard prince chuk speak, im stuffed if I can understand what he rattles on about, yet he is presumably speaking perfect english.
I am not perfect, and so, will not judge.
You have however, made the effort to produce something readable.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:38 am
by Guy
david123 wrote:Steve,
with my crook spellin, even me mac has a hard time decifering what the word is im tryin to say, so often, i just hit learn word.
I know people do not speak as eloquently as some expect, that does not take from their request, nor IMO should it be upon all to chastise them.
I find maths as easy as crakin a beer, love it, mostly do not bother with a calculator as I can do 99% of my needs in my head, but I do not belittle those who cannot do on a calculator as fast as I can do in my hed, nor those who have no comprehension of.
Some here you will find do not have english as a first language, some like me speak and write a barsted version of the "queens" english. Ever heard prince chuk speak, im stuffed if I can understand what he rattles on about, yet he is presumably speaking perfect english.
I am not perfect, and so, will not judge.
(Your post is a perfect example)It may not be perfectly worded, spelling and grammar may not be perfect either, but it is easy to follow, and easy to read.
I am not trying to "correct' anyone, simply trying to give some advice on what i have found works when trying to get iinformation out of people in both the internet and the real world.
The difference in the real world you have body language, words can easily be emphasiszed or played down etc to see if the person is being sincere in asking questions and actually listening to the answer when you give it. That is all.
Here is how I see Bulliten Boards in general.
If you stood in front of a room full of people who you did not know, they didnt know you, they come from various ages, backgrounds etc You ask a question you really want to know the answer to, you would try to speak clearly and use sentances that made it easy for the greatest possible majority to comprehend .. wouldnt you ?
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:54 am
I agree whole heartedly. I get the shits even when I read a text message that has that carp in it, let alone here, where there is no excuse.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:04 am
by Gwagensteve
Exactly david123 - Whilst your spelling isn't great, you can produce a post that's readable and can be followed.
I think we all agree we're not talking about people who's grammar and spelling isn't great, (because then I'd be in trouble too) it's about people who can't be bothered to type words they do actually know how to spell.
Presumably they are either doing it because they think it makes them look cool, or because they don't have the time to type the whole word.
It doesn't look cool, it makes them look lazy and slack.
If they don't have the time to write the whole word, they certainly won't have the time to so some research or read a range of replies, so they fail at forums.
If I'm being judgemental because I expect users of a written forum to actually write words, then so be it.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:36 am
by jonno_racing
coily sierras have a 3.9/1 diff gears..
there we go now this has tech

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:40 am
by greg
Do a search newbies!
i'm sure Grimbo has complained about this before

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:58 am
by Highway-Star
X (1 000 000^10^(e^pi))^big#
This is so true, please people write in english. Or write in another proper language and use babelfish (or similar) to translate it ( ).
Also this might be of use....... or just some comical value:
Was actually having a discussion along these lines a few days ago with some IT students at uni, and the IT guys hate this short hand SMS/Knob typing; and I thought they invented it

. No offence to IT guys, but this mongrelised language is extensively used on IT related equipment. So if IT "nerds" (they refer to themselves as this) hate it, then what does that make the people using it....... wannabes who are failing?
ScrawnC wrote:
I think we are now dealing with a generation that is used to getting everything right now. There is no real effort needed to get what they want. This spills over into every part of their lives. They don't want to have to sit down for half an hour to an hour and do research, they just want the answer now.
Only some, thank you very much.

. Some of the posts I've put on here are the size of a short report, and apparantly I am part of this so called generation.
This post was intentional made short, as I am too lazy to write exactly what I meant to say...
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:07 am
by lay80n
greg wrote:Do a search newbies!
i'm sure Grimbo has complained about this before

Yeah, but searching for the words Grimbo and complaint will take ages to sift through.
Its like everything, your only getting out what your putting in. You ask a detailed, well written question that you have already searched and researched, and you will get an simillar level of answer. Write a pile of garbage with sms spelling, grammar and lack of punctuation, and usually you will get a poor response. With the amount of knowledge and experience between the members of the zook forum, or OL overall. A bit of effort on someones part to do some research first, then type a sensible question is not that much to ask considering the infomation that can be obtained is free. Not everyone has perfect grammar and spelling, but at least have a go at using the English language
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:12 am
by want33s
All this talk of grammar and spelling....
Could one of the mods please correct any incorrect spelling in thread titles.
At the moment it appears there are three different ways to spell 'transfer'.
I enter 'transfer' into the search facility but I don't get the results for 'trasfer' or 'tranfer'.
It's no wonder people complain the search thing doesn't work.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:18 am
by just cruizin'
Just start banning them and the rest will either catch on to what's happening or follow along like sheep and take a seat by the window on the bus driver's side.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:55 am
by grimbo
yeah yeah turn it into a pick on Grimbo thread
Want33s brings up very valid point, misspelt words do lead to alot of the problems with the search engine. The other problem is of course people not using it in the first place thus making so many threads about the same topic appear which are then full of posts about searching for those topics.
The forum is completely based on written communication. All the nuances that the spoken word allows like sarcasm, tonal changes to express emotion and the fact you don' need to spell the words or use grammar , are missing in written communication. So the extra time taken to re read and actually check over what you have written to ensure it makes sense are invaluable.
As mentioned perfect spelling and grammar aren't what is been asked for. Clear communication, effort, self help via searching etc are.
A perfect example of someone who readily admits they didn't have the best literary skills was boner. His initial posts were very hard to decipher. He took on criticism and now he is a very valuable contributor to this board all because he was willing to slow down and take his time. On top of which his Sids & Kids stuff is awesome
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by ScrawnC
Highway-Star wrote:Only some, thank you very much.

. Some of the posts I've put on here are the size of a short report, and apparantly I am part of this so called generation.
Sorry, I was generalising a bit. Yes I'm part of Gen-Y too

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:35 pm
by lump_a_charcoal
My mum is terrible with SMS messages - She must think she is being charged by the letter or something...
_noddy could learn a bit from boner...
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:35 pm
by St Jimmy
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:36 pm
by joeblow
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:40 pm
by grimbo
that is so cool your grandma has a computer and uses the internet

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:50 pm
by ScrawnC
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:52 pm
by St Jimmy
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:56 pm
by RockHopper
Hey pplz. Wotz v dillio?? Shizel my penizel!!
Sorry, I'm a dick. Just got home from work and downed a few before reading this post.

english language
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:22 pm
The other problem is that they don't stop and read through what they have just written before posting it up. Before each post I try and read my post all the way through just to see if it makes complete sense to me and hopefully everyone else, (even to the point of Pre-veiwing it first before posting it up!) It should become a habit and a good habit to have. Just my 2c Worth. Robb.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:05 pm
by 86slowsierra
This thread is about as pointless as the "What vehicle have you snatched with your zook?" thread. Its not going to be added as a 'Sticky' and therefor will be lost into the ether of outers.
All it takes is 'It helps to answer your questions if you use correct spelling and grammar. Yes, 31's will fit on your sierra.' .
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:11 pm
by da13ro
Ok, as much as I understand the reasoning behind putting effort in, before you expect other to. Really, all forums suffer from this. Including people asking the same question over and over again which I believe is a bigger problem.
Now some of you went of at a guy who posted something along the lines of "do not buy from xx". You all nailed him, saying if you don't like it don't buy it. The fact is, this is the internet, you can tell people every single day, and some one who comes on tomorrow won't listen. Your dealing with an incredibly wide age group, with varying degrees of experience in different areas. You DO have to be accommodating for everyone, and, you can take the advice you gave. If you don't like it, don't reply to it. Meaning, topics that have NO responses, got what they either deserve, and if someone feels like responding to it, so be it, win!
If you don't understand it, so be it, that's the topic starters fault, but the topic shouldn't be made up of reply after reply about the spelling of the poster. Look back to post's 3 years ago on this forum, things havn't changed, don't know why you think you can make it change.
To the more experienced guys, you have been amazing help of various issue's concerning my 4x4. And, some of you who have been here for a long time I am sure are sick of giving the same replies. Don't reply, again, topic starter if he really wants can work it out. Forums really do suck at managing information, and coming from someone who writes forum style systems, even I find it difficult to come up with search results. Even the bible only contains a couple of links to relevant stuff, but its a start. This board should consider a wiki.
Point is, yes topic starter has a responsibility to make there point clear etc. If you don't understand it, and it upsets you, why even bother replying.