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You dont need a snorkel...

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:32 am
by ferozamaniac
Today i have finished my thoughts and work of how to stop pumping water most of the times through the air filter into the engine. I bought an after market air filter SIMOTA that is easy to unbolt it and clean the filter. Then i used the stock pipes that my Feroza had, i made a hole at the passenger side fender and the pipe looks towards the door. I only bought 1 rubber pipe (blue color) to fit the air filter with the stock pipes.

Here is the air filter


The hole


The pipes i used and made a hole to the black box and used a super rubber glue.



Fitting the filter in the fender



Before all these i didnt used the black box and i had some significant loss of power. From Easter until now with out the black box during low speeds and offroading the car was not responding that well.


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:08 pm
by rob-lo
I was thinking where is you brake booster.
Left hand drive

Hay y not go in to the fire wall and draw air from the air/con ducked at the windscreen

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:11 pm
by ferozamaniac
rob-lo wrote: Hay y not go in to the fire wall and draw air from the air/con ducked at the windscreen
I thought that to but when the water comes like wave over the hood or some hard rain when i will hit gas will pump some water again. An example of wave water.


After about 1.000 kilometers (a lot of traveling and offloading this week) the air system works just fine no water pumping no low pressure just what i wanted.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:01 pm
by Jacked
why dont u spin the 90 degree bend off the throttle body and run the pipe on the otherside off the manifold??? might make a lil difference to your intake temps for next to zero effort just trim the blue pipe down to fit. im sure that pipe would get pretty hot right ontop of your rocker cover crawling about.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:33 pm
by ferozamaniac
To much work and remember not a lot of space when i close the hood. I have tried that to but i had to change also the manifold from the AIR INTAKE to the black box so i wouldn't have done a third hole to the black box. Different pipe angles more work more money. Right now its just fine and also remember when the engine is hot the head of the engine is not that hot like the side with the exhaust.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:00 am
by rob-lo
Yes that’s a lot of water on the vent i’ll save that idea for sports cars

It’s a good plan to run it in to the wheel arch .but if you get stuck in the deep end the water will fill the space ,don’t you think

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:17 am
by ferozamaniac
If the water will fill the space it will be the last thing to take care because also water will come inside the cabin and the EFI will corrupt. I am not that risky and i never go deeper than 1/2 meter. Its a possibility also that might happen but i have never done that and also i will not need only a snorkel but a lot more stuff to take care before going that deep. I have done that construction for the only reason that the stock filter even when i was splashing and playing around the water was always pumping in the engine. Its much better than the stock pipes that are more risky to pump water.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:54 pm
by rob-lo