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RR experts

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:31 pm
by V8Patrol
Ive posted this querry in general tech under this link... ... highlight=

With all the V8 conversions I have done I've always used the std nissan diesel 9 & 1/2" clutch pak and it has in the past stood up quite well...... That was untill I fitted the 350 Chev, now I've blown number 2 in as many weeks

So what I am thinking is......

The 10 & 1/2" Range Rover pressure plate....
The 275mm nissan TDI clutch plate from a 99 model....

has any-one got a RR pressure plate lying around that they could get some mesurements off of for me please ???


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:42 am
by HSV Rangie
Before i killed the LT77 in my RR after fitting the Holden engine.

I used the HSV clutch set up that came with the engine.

Clutch plate was the same spline.
so it all just fitted in.


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:33 pm
by Bush65
I've got my gearbox out - what measurements do you want?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:10 am
by V8Patrol
Thanks John, but I've got the pressure plate under control now, I needed the measurement of the "locating pin centres".
RR have a few different clutch paks on offer and I was trying for one that I could fit onto the holden/chev flywheel......

ended up with a 10 & 1/2" std RR pressure plate that suits the RR V8's
and a 265mm 99 model TDI Nissan clutch plate.

The 2 marry together very well, unfortunately the 275mm nissan clutch plate wouldnt clear the pressure plate by 2 mm

Thanks for your help guys
