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New to toyota, need some expertise

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:22 pm
gday lads

have always had GQs, but due to the price of the gq utes am looking at getting a landcruiser ute around the 6000 mark, will be staying standard, and just be used as a work ute and now and then down the beach.

now i know nothing about landcruisers and just after some advice before i splash out, really after something thats gonna be reliable. what motor? diesel or petrol on gas? any better year model? any difference in driveline? please let me know

cheers all

Re: New to toyota, need some expertise

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:19 pm
by Canyonero 4x4
THICKNICK wrote: have always had GQs, but am looking at getting a landcruiser ute
Best decision you'll ever make. Welcome to Toyota. 75 series is what your looking at. In diesel too. 1985 - 1990(?) are the 4.0L (HZ), 1990 and onwards are the 4.2L (1HZ) . Get a 4.2L if you can find one in your price range.
As for what can go wrong with em, well I'm not too sure only had mine a few months but havent had many dramas. Just check out how bad the rust REALLY is, coz it'll be there. Gutters and windows mainly

Re: New to toyota, need some expertise

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:04 am
by 80UTE
Canyonero 4x4 wrote:
THICKNICK wrote: have always had GQs, but am looking at getting a landcruiser ute
Best decision you'll ever make. Welcome to Toyota. 75 series is what your looking at. In diesel too. 1985 - 1990(?) are the 4.0L (HZ), 1990 and onwards are the 4.2L (1HZ) . Get a 4.2L if you can find one in your price range.
As for what can go wrong with em, well I'm not too sure only had mine a few months but havent had many dramas. Just check out how bad the rust REALLY is, coz it'll be there. Gutters and windows mainly
The 85-90 had the 2H diesel engine full size front diff after 90 with the 1HZ diesel small hipinion front diff and the late gearbox and tranfers were not as good as the early they changed the gear tooth profile and the heat treating process. The later gears chip very easily, the cluster gear/shaft were also prone to servere wear on the bearing surface rear end of the shaft. The early boxes and tranfers will do 500,000 km easy with regular maint. I have retrofitted the early box into the late cruisers with not to much mods.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:56 am
by poppywhite
the 1hz motor is nicer to use
what wally says is probally right I have had both