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ru32 truck

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:40 pm
by Rhett
I have purchased a 84 ru 32 truck. Some sort of dyna I think. I m going to use it to cart my suzuki truggy. It has a 3B motor, and seems to run fine. It dosent start with out a bit of start ya bastard when cold, Im pretty sure the glow plugs are cactus. Any one know what they are worth. I also need a new radiator, is the radiator the same in any landcrusers with 3b motors? THe wipers also don't work. Is the wiper motor compatable with any other toys? I know its not even four wheel drive but is a toyota.
Cheers Rhett.

Re: ru32 truck

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:19 pm
by dogbreath_48
Rhett wrote: Any one know what they are worth.
About $16 for bursons IIRC, but make sure they know what they're doing! Lots of confusion surrounding glow plug selection for some reason (there were a few different systems available in cruisers, and i believe some incorrect listings in parts books.)
You'd be best off taking one of yours down - should have the voltage stamped on the head of the plug.