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urgent sierra isnt starting..electronics

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:31 pm
by brendan_h
just pulled the zook off charge to top the batterys up and now it wont start.

first off i get the clicking sound every now and then when i turn the key usualy get about 4clicks then it will start fine. but this time im not getting any click only thing thats telling me the ignition is working is the radio and clock turn off.

the starter motor isnt getting power. i moved a few wires around and tryed to start it it turned the engine over half a sec if that.

any iders onw hat it could be need to get it running by the morning for work

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:33 pm
by St Jimmy
Give your starter a tap not a hit with a hammer, and that might fix could be stuck. :?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:55 pm
by brendan_h
problem solved. lose wire from the relay i think but anyway it starts now.but what causes the clicking sound i somtime get?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:59 pm
by VaJJ
with my swift (same engine) sometimes the electrics inside would work but tryin to start it it would only give one click but not even try to turn over, this was the battery terminals werent connecting good enough, would just have to give them a good twist to make a good connection. i your engine only partially turned over sounds like a dead battery.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:04 pm
by brendan_h
sorry the engine is a 1.6efi vit motor.

battery isnt dead it just came off the charger if you. was a lose connection at the starter motor.

usualy when i ticks i just keep turning that key till it starts maybe he relay is gone?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:30 pm
by VaJJ
oh kk, if it only ticks once each time you turn the key then sounds like the same prblem of a loose connection somewhere, if its continuous clicking fast like cogs slipping your starter might need replacing. :) good luck.


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:45 pm
by big_little112
the clicking sound is the soliniod pulling in an out which pushes a lever that engages the gear on the starter motor to the ring gear on the fly wheel. sometimes mud, dirt gets in the lever an clogs it up an the clicking is the soliniod trying to engage the lever. not always is the starter motor stuffed could just be soliniod in my case it was.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:59 pm
by get it up there
From this site :D
Clicky Starter Kit
It does more than stop the Clicking Starter that is so embarrassing and very common to the Samurai. It also gives your starter the power it's been starving for by taking the old worn out factory connection out of the loop!
The problem is that the power turning over the starter goes through your key switch. Newer vehicles run a relay putting direct battery to the starter. If you get in and turn the key, and you find your Samurai has the dreaded Click Syndrome. Then this is the fix it needs. Don't delay in getting this high quality ready to go fix. Because waiting can, and will cause damage to your starter.

Enclosed with the kit are detailed, easy to follow instructions, with excellent full color pictures to assist those who might be mechanically or technically challenged. All wire is 14 gauge automotive cross-linked wire ,(OEM is 18ga.) Everything you need to install this is included, except the screwdriver. This kit uses a very High Quality 30amp relay and also includes a water proof heavy duty fuse holder, and 30 amp fuse to protect the battery to starter connection. Every one is run through a series of tests before they get the stamp of approval to be sold, this is so that you can be assured that you are getting the quality part that you expect.

Price: $25.00