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Hmm my P38 won't start?
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:38 am
by Simo63
So I go out to start the car this morning and whilst it turns over, it just won't start. Just cranks over and over with no sign of life.
Last drove her home Saturday night and parked it in the drivway, nothing special about that but not go today.
Does anyone have any ideas for me to check before calling a tow truck to take it to the dealers for repair?
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:45 am

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:04 am
by Simo63

Thanks heaps Anthony ....

Any other helpful advice
But alas, I was in love with the car until this happened ... but I guess any car can have such issues so I'm still in love with her

I can forgive her for this minor indiscretion but our relationship won't go very much further if she makes a habit of letting me down

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:10 pm
Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:HAHA

Thanks heaps Anthony ....

Any other helpful advice
ok ok, in this order, turn the ignition on (do not attempt to start it), hop out make sure all doors are closed, procced to do the following in this exact order;
Kick rear passenger tyre twice, kick front passenger tyre once, open drivers door and slam shut, kick rear drivers side tyre once and then open the rear upper tailgate section, leave it open, proceed to drivers door open and hop in, wind down both drivers side windows and then making sure gearbox is in neutral (not park) and hand brake is engaged once all above is confirmed and done hold the horn on and start while horn is blasting.
If you do all the above and notice it still doesnt start make sure you have the aircond off.
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:39 pm
by Simo63
GRIMACE wrote:Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:HAHA

Thanks heaps Anthony ....

Any other helpful advice
ok ok, in this order, turn the ignition on (do not attempt to start it), hop out make sure all doors are closed, procced to do the following in this exact order;
Kick rear passenger tyre twice, kick front passenger tyre once, open drivers door and slam shut, kick rear drivers side tyre once and then open the rear upper tailgate section, leave it open, proceed to drivers door open and hop in, wind down both drivers side windows and then making sure gearbox is in neutral (not park) and hand brake is engaged once all above is confirmed and done hold the horn on and start while horn is blasting.
If you do all the above and notice it still doesnt start make sure you have the aircond off.
Hey it worked ... you're a farken genius

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:35 pm
Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:HAHA

Thanks heaps Anthony ....

Any other helpful advice
ok ok, in this order, turn the ignition on (do not attempt to start it), hop out make sure all doors are closed, procced to do the following in this exact order;
Kick rear passenger tyre twice, kick front passenger tyre once, open drivers door and slam shut, kick rear drivers side tyre once and then open the rear upper tailgate section, leave it open, proceed to drivers door open and hop in, wind down both drivers side windows and then making sure gearbox is in neutral (not park) and hand brake is engaged once all above is confirmed and done hold the horn on and start while horn is blasting.
If you do all the above and notice it still doesnt start make sure you have the aircond off.
Hey it worked ... you're a farken genius

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:40 pm
by Micka
GRIMACE wrote:Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:Simo63 wrote:GRIMACE wrote:HAHA

Thanks heaps Anthony ....

Any other helpful advice
ok ok, in this order, turn the ignition on (do not attempt to start it), hop out make sure all doors are closed, procced to do the following in this exact order;
Kick rear passenger tyre twice, kick front passenger tyre once, open drivers door and slam shut, kick rear drivers side tyre once and then open the rear upper tailgate section, leave it open, proceed to drivers door open and hop in, wind down both drivers side windows and then making sure gearbox is in neutral (not park) and hand brake is engaged once all above is confirmed and done hold the horn on and start while horn is blasting.
If you do all the above and notice it still doesnt start make sure you have the aircond off.
Hey it worked ... you're a farken genius

Grimace for Prime minister

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:17 pm
by Simo63
So .. getting back to reality after the Grimace for PM Hype, the car did in fact start when I got home tonight. It started within a second of hitting the starter like it usually does.
Now whilst this is a great result, I am obviously concerned at this inconsistency. Should I:
a) Ignore the problem because the car had Monday-it-is so didn't want to start today and just wanted to take a day off (a bit like me really

b) Was jealous because I drove to Brisvegas on the Saturday in the wife's new Grand Vitata
c) Blame the wife because she was the last one to drive it when she drove me home from our Christmas party on Saturday night after I had a skin full
d) Repeat Grimaces voodoo cure;
e) Sell it immediately; or
f) Get it to A Rover specialist for a check up immediately
Yeah yeah, I know, if I have to ask you gits then I really should sell the Rover and buy a Lada because that's what I deserve.
Buuuut seriously, any P38 owners experienced a similar problem and if so was there a reason?
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:10 am
I would be checking all conections in the ignition system, coil packs, module etc etc... for it to be turning over and just not starting and then to start instantly after a period of time gives me the impression something is either loose of possibly even slightly corroded in an electrical connection.
Or sell it to me for $50

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:09 pm
by Simo63
Despite the overwhelming responses to my calls for help here, I think I have resolved the problem and I reckon it might have been my fault all along. You see, on Sunday morning in my hung over state, I used the spare key to lock and unlock the vehicle but not start it. The spare key has not been used before by me as I was told it was flat but it wasn't. I don't know how long it has been since it's been used but at least 6 months that I know of.
The next day (Monday morning) I tried to start it with the normal key and it wouldn't start however when I returned that afternoon I locked it and then unlocked it using my normal key and it started straight away.
So I was wondering if because I used spare key (that has probably lost the secutiry codes) to lock and unlock it but not start it and then the next day I used the other key to start it (without locking and unlocking) it didn't start becasue of the anti-theft system???
Anyway that might explain it. Seems to be all good now.
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:23 am
by muddydigger
The P38 will not start with any of the doors open including the boot.
YEs I had one it cught me out a few times
From memory, the key should recharge when its in the ignition, but if its not been used for a while, your theory seems pretty logical.
Join the P38 forum too!
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:57 am
by Simo63
muddydigger wrote:The P38 will not start with any of the doors open including the boot.
YEs I had one it cught me out a few times
From memory, the key should recharge when its in the ignition, but if its not been used for a while, your theory seems pretty logical.
Join the P38 forum too!
Thanks for the response Muddy. Although my P38 does start with the drivers door open as I've done that a few times. Is it not supposed to?
I googled P38 Forum and got this:
I guess if it doesn't start again, ,that might help me finish it off
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:13 am
I personally don't think it is related to the key, or the open doors (even thou your P38 starts with the door open).
As you say the vehicle is turning over, generally the vehicle will just tick at you if the door is left open, or the key fails to immobilise, or if the gear selector isn't in park/neutral... I could be wrong thou...
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:53 pm
by muddydigger
Sorry Simo Got my self all balls up, (not hard at 5am) It will start with any of the doors open even the tail gate, its was EAS I was thinking of, it wont raise or lower with any of the doors open.
So That proberly doesnt help now does it? Any ways Ron on AULRO web site is the Guru with all things P38 and there is also there is great wealth of Knollege there too, many of the articles about the P38 are written by Ron.
There is now a windows programe for your own PC, for you to reset your own EAS as well, presuming you still have EAS fitted? plus a great article on how to add a valve to the system so you can pump the bags up at a servo to get you home.
Anyways sorry if buggered you about, was thinking straight this morning hope this helps. If you want aslo I have a full hand book book in the original leather folder if you want it, dont want anything for it.
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:06 pm
by Simo63
muddydigger wrote:Sorry Simo Got my self all balls up, (not hard at 5am) It will start with any of the doors open even the tail gate, its was EAS I was thinking of, it wont raise or lower with any of the doors open.
So That proberly doesnt help now does it? Any ways Ron on AULRO web site is the Guru with all things P38 and there is also there is great wealth of Knollege there too, many of the articles about the P38 are written by Ron.
There is now a windows programe for your own PC, for you to reset your own EAS as well, presuming you still have EAS fitted? plus a great article on how to add a valve to the system so you can pump the bags up at a servo to get you home.
Anyways sorry if buggered you about, was thinking straight this morning hope this helps. If you want aslo I have a full hand book book in the original leather folder if you want it, dont want anything for it.
Mate no problems at all. I appreciate your responses and the time you have taken to write them. I will check out the and Ron's words of wisdom. I'm still in lurve with the car it is just sensational to drive. Cruised down the Bruce highway today, thinking that I was the king (and Grimace is the Queen

) of the road.
Now get some sleep
EDIT: Eeeek I've only had the thing for a couple of weeks and I'm already fantasising about Grimace

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:09 am
by muddydigger
There really isnt many cars on the road that will compare to the ride the P38 gives, Ive driven a whole load of cars in time. Rolls, Mercs Beemas and alike none of them are as good as the P38 in hwy mode!