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4.5 into a 45 series

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:21 am
by Bagdad mafia
any ony put a 4.5efi cruiser engine in to a 45 series ?

how tight would it fit or would there be a better option

toying with the idea of turboing one and sticking it in a 45.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:57 am
by Reddo
i looked into it at one stage, and buy all accounts it should fit (allowing for 5-10mm gap upagainst the fire wall, however, getting a big enough radiator into the car can be the problem. your also going to have to play around with gearbox mounts, and tailshalft lengths, but as far as i could see, it was very possible.

maybe consider the ford falcon mote, as its all AL, and they love a turbo.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:58 am
by dow50r
It will be an uphill might aswell put an ls2 in there

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:20 am
by thrashlux
I think it would be a great idea, may not be as easy as puting an ls1 in but in the long term it would be a more reliable truck because of the h150 gearbox
It would be easier to get spares for off the beaten track far more landcruiser spares are carried in remote places more than commodore or falcon stuff

The 4.5 is a better engine than the falcon six stronger ,more cubes and more modern (except BA on)
if you check out toymods they are getting massive HP out of the 4.5 with a turbo.

and best of all it would be different

may be friggin dangerous :D in a good way

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:58 pm
by dow50r
There was a guy on here who was doing this conversion in a 47 i believe
They will fit, its just getting the ancilaries to work, like injection wiring and fuel tanks with pumps...presuming you got a wreck and used all the bits from it, sold the other bits to help with paying for turbo, you are still looking at thesame $$ as a 454 on gas with t400 with 3.7 diffs.
Comes down to what you want...a chev mota or toy mota.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:16 pm
by Bagdad mafia
I want to stay all toyota bits for ease of parts.

how are these engines for low down torque

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:21 pm
by ORSM45
G'Day mate,

1Fz's are a strong motor stock. good low down torque. they go pretty well in a truck that weighs almost a ton more than a 45 series. standard they feel like they lack a little up in the top of the rev range. but with a turbo... hold on!

im looking into turboing my 105 series at the moment. it works out alot easier if you get a later model 1FZ because they have MAP sensors instead of air flow meters like in the earlier 80 series.

AXT have brought out a kit for the 1FZ. i personally think they r a bit conservative on the size of the turbo they use. and im going to put together my own setup.

i toyed around with this idea in my 45 too. but i just went the chev way again. mainly because the price of crate motors at the time from america.

i think its a great idea and cant wait to see the results.

best of luck,


Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:34 pm
by killalux
It is do-able. I wired one up for a guy down in brissy in a 40 series troopy. Looked to be a good fit, But it didn't have a radiator in it.

Engine controls (EFI, ECU, ETC) are not too hard to wire up, but very time consuming, because some of the sensor wiring runs through the main vehicle harness, So you have to pull apart the whole harness and pull out all the extra wiring.
As i said it is do-able, If you want i can do up a harness for you, That all you will need to do is connect a few wires. Would be looking at around $650 for that though.
