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Leaking injector pump

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:02 pm
by pradojon
Is there a quick fix for a leaking injector pump on a 2.4 diesel pump in a 2wd hilux? Can i just put a push in seal where the throttle linkage hooks up??
Any help would be great..Cheers Jon

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:12 pm
by mavzilla
unbolt the top and remove throttle shaft and install oring and reassemble (get seal at ) diesel place, done

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:08 am
by trains
Get a scribe, and mark the top of the throttle shaft, to the lever assy.

Mark the max fuel screw on the rhs of the top housing as well.

Get a seal for throttle shaft, top cover, and max fuel screw.

Do as already mentioned, be carefull when removing the top cover, as the throttle shaft will need to be pushed with your fingers thru the cover, and dont let it drop into the pump housing, keep it and the spring the same as you work on it.
remove the o ring carefully, clean inside throttle housing shaft, fit new o ring, with some rubber grease, and grease the shaft too.
fit new top housing gasket, and if needed the max fuel screw o ring as well.
refit, bleed, and enjoy leak free motoring.