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89 paj diesel milage and big tyres
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:31 am
by macneil
Hey guys just wondering how many kms you get out of a tank on your 2.5td's i have a 50ltr tank and only get about 300kms when country driving but it almost doubles around town..
also who runs bigger tyres like 33's does the pajero struggle to get them turning?
im thinking about going bigger tyres to drop the revs down at 100kmph as this might save some fuel on the open roads?
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:47 pm
by Greg_M
I get about 650-700km out of 90L on my NG. Thats running 31x10.5 Cooper ST's.
With my 33" Simex Centipedes it does struggle a bit when on the road but off road its a different story. Not too sure if that's diameter only or a combination of aggressive tread and bigger diameter.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:58 pm
by redreid1978
yeah i get about 850/900km country and about 750/800 town , get a tubro boost gauge and boost controller gauge is cheep about $20 from super cheep and a controller is about $50 from super or ebay , and turn ya boost up a little i run 12/13 psi in mine and a snorkel is a must .. more air in a diesel better fuel econ and everything and a intercooler to .. .. and try to get a tank from a 1990 NG paj they are 87lt i think and will fit straight in .. and the simex 33/11.5/15 are 24mm more the most other 33s because of the huge paddles they have hanging off them.. lol
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:15 pm
by macneil
thanks for the replys guys i will look into the bigger tank as the little one is a pain to say the least..
i will end up putting a stainless snorkel on very soon i think after my holidays
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:08 am
by NJV6
redreid1978 wrote: a snorkel is a must .. more air in a diesel better fuel econ and everything and a intercooler to .. ..
Your rightwith the more air statement - but putting a snorkel on is not the way to get it.
The snorkel may well get cleaner air but it won't get more air.
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:57 pm
by macneil
yeah im also going to put a boost guage and controller in.. has any one put a bigger tank in there swb paj's
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:24 am
by Funky
mine was getting 800km with 31's and 700 with 33'
i had a boost gauge and installed in the middle of the 3 gauges on the dash and also a boost controller it was running 10psi stock and i had it on 12psi everyday all day with a safari snorkle also injectors reco'd and when i was getting ready to get a new exhaust i sold her :( i also had the standard intercooler on.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:48 am
by macneil
god dam i need a bigger fuel tank..
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:28 pm
by cmarico
The simex's are labelled a 32 but measure out to 33.4". Just so people don't think if they get a 33" simex it's 34.5 etc..
As for the economy - she blowing any smoke?
Putting bigger tyres on my hilux made my econmy about 100km's per tank better and I found no real loss to performance. It was slow as shit then, it's slow as shit now

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:12 pm
by macneil
lol mines slow as shit with a turbo but il boost it up a bit i think and go for some bigger rubber..
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:40 pm
by scott1482
I also have a 90l tank and i normally get 650 to 700 a tank i also just put a boost guage on and running 10psi standard with factory intercooler also considering a snorkel i run 31s and i think i can get out and run faster sometimes especilly when i hit a hill and when i put my foot down i just watch the fuel guage drop does your run like this or is it just mine....
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:46 pm
by Drujba
macneil wrote:lol mines slow as shit with a turbo but il boost it up a bit i think and go for some bigger rubber..
I have the 2,5 TDI with 99HP. The engine is quite weak. But I made some modifications, and now's much better. I started from the injectors, i raised the opening pressure by mounting some rings before the nozzles. Than I increased the diesel flow from the pump, up to the point where idle RPM started to go up. Than I put some other rings under the turbo actuator, and I actually shortened the action of the arm, so the west gate will start to open later. And finally I have increased the injection timing by 1,5 degrees, by rotating the injection pump a little bit. Also the position of the transmission toothed belt should be perfectly aligned, one teeth off, and your performance is lost.
Now I have approx 120 HP, but the most important is the torque which is available already at 1500 RPM, and the engine revs up to 4000 RPM much easier. With 50 liters I did before approx 400-450 km, now up to 550.
If you go for bigger tires, you will not get lower highway consumption, it will stay where you are now. In off-road conditions and city driving your consumption will increase. But if you go for too big tires without further modifications, you may loose traction and torque, and it may be that you will not be able to reach the top speed anymore.
Snorkel will not give you more air flow, only cleaner air, and as the tract of air will be longer, you may experience a slight increase on fuel consumption.
Now I run 31"s, i tried it with 33"s (before engine tune up), and the poor wee diesel was not able to cope very well. I plan to go for 33", but for that I going to change the gear diffs. If I will find them...
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:09 am
by macneil
well i fitted a boost gauge and its running on about 11psi.. might get an intercooler for it sometime soon..
does anyone have any information on fitting a bigger tank tho as that is all i really need..
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:19 pm
by scott1482
just reading some replys my 2.5tdi will rev to 3000rpm and thats it and yours is reving to 4000rpm is something wrong with mine should i get a dyno tune??? what sort of exhaust pipe do you have ie how many mufflers i think mine has 2 would this be restricting performance
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:23 pm
by NJV6
NO something else i wrong. Take it to a specialist. With your foot to the floor it should do what the redline is on your dash.
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:39 pm
by macneil
mine will redline but i have no point to take it over 3000rpm.. its a diesel and runs out of tourqe at like 2800.. so its a waste of fuel so me
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:13 pm
by scott1482
i have held my foot flat and there is no chance it will redline i would be pushing at get to 4000 any ideas what it might be it is a jap import it wouldnt have a restrictor on it somewhere by any chance would it ??also on dirt there is no way i can get wheel spin which is good for traction but not to have a bit of fun is this another problem meaning lack of power couseing bad fuel economy using more throttle and no response is it worth my time and money to get it dyno tuned or take it to a deisel mechanic???
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:54 pm
by -Scott-
I'd say you have to take it to a diesel specialist for an opinion. I'd say worn belt/chain has caused the pump timing to retard, so you're not getting optimum combustion pressure from the fuel you're burning.
But that's only a poorly educated, half pissed guess.
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:45 am
by macneil
have you changed your diesel filter? that can cause issues like that my wheels spin easily on dirt.. even on the road i have to be careful around corners sometimes..
start the engine up and take the dipstick out if there is lots of smoke the engine is buggered