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Troopy Recovery Points

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:47 pm
by Buggerific
Hey all,

Came accross a problem today.

I have an HZJ75 1997 model troopy... It has a TJM winch bar fitted to it and it does have some points where it looks like you would be able to mount recovery hooks... But the holes are spaced too far apart for anything I can buy off the shelf.

I called TJM and they reckon that there's no TJM specific accessories for their bullbars and that the generic hooks should bolt straight up to the chassis.

So basically, the holes on the bullbar are spaced too far apart for any hooks I can find AND there is a lack of holes on the chassis because, well there's a bullbar mounted in the way.

Any ideas would be grand!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:53 pm
by beaujest4
ha ha one reason why I dont use TJM stuff. The holes you are looking for are back on the chassis mounts for the bar. If you had a decent bar there is no problem. The other option is to go to Toyota and get their recovery hooks that bolt up underneath.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:09 pm
by Buggerific
But thats the thing... On the 75 there's not any upwards holes for recovery hooks... There's also no sideways ones. The bullbars is mounted with one large sideways bold on each rail and one up and one down from memory... Plus a few brackets to other mounting points.

There seems to be no sets of two holes suitable for mounting a hook. Not even ones in use by the bar.

I would have gone an ARB bar but this was on the vehicle already so I'm not complaining too much.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:37 pm
by beaujest4
Mate been a while since I had my Troopy. From memory I ended up getting the recovery 'hook' from Toyota and not the normal hook you buy at the shops. But later mounted the hooks on the mounts for the bar.